Thinking about the major social issues and thus envolving toward a sustainable way of doing insurance: with this purpose the University of Antwerp and Ageas establish the Sustainable Insurance Chair.
Recent events such as the floods in Belgium and Europe and the corona pandemic have highlighted the crucial role of insurers in our society. Helping people in need when things go wrong and thus guaranteeing the continuity of our daily lives, .... And there are even more challenges ahead: climate change, cybercrime, social inclusion and diversity in a polarising society, caring for the oldest among us, .... Moreover, tomorrow is not today and changes in the world are unpredictable and come to us at an incredible speed.
Insurers can create impact in several ways: by pursuing investment policies through insurance products and the related services they offer. They have the tools to make a difference in terms of increasing financial inclusion and solidarity and encouraging sustainable behaviour. The Chair Sustainable Insurance, a collaboration between the University of Antwerp and Ageas, is established to conduct research on sustainble insurance. Hans De Cuyper, CEO Ageas: "Taking a social responsibility is in Agea's DNA and is present in everything we do as an insurer. I am therefore particulary pleased with the establishment of the Chair Sustainable Insurance in cooperation with the University of Antwerp, chair holder Luc Van Liedekerke and researcher Kristien Doumen. I am certain that this partnership between the academic and business world will allow us as insurers to play an important role in solving problems of society today and tomorrow."
Chairperson: Mr. Luc van Liedekerke
Faculty: Business and Economics
Active: since 2021
Partner: Ageas

Take a look behind the scenes of the Chair Sustainable Insurance