In 2000, the United Nations member states adopted a set of eight development goals, to be reached by the end of 2015. These so-called Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) include the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger and the achievement of universal primary education. The MDGs proved to be successful in generating world wide support for shared development goals, but also raised critical voice. The international community, through the UN system, is now seeking a (better) successor. Throughout this series of debates we will try to find out how this agenda is being shaped and explore the related discussions in academia.
Tuesday 7 October - The post-2015 development agenda: more than a facelift?
Jan Vandemoortele (Former UN Representative, Belgium)
Rudy De Meyer (Head of Research Department, 11.11.11, Belgium)
Moderator: Bert Jacobs (assistent, IOB, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
ppt Vandemoortele
ppt De Meyer
The opening debate of the series will set the scene for the next sessions. In order to understand the post 2015 agenda, one has to understand its history. When the Millennium Summit of the United Nations launched 8 millennium development goals in the year 2000, expectations were high as humanity greeted a new era. Leaders agreed that by 2015, undernourishment had to be halved and universal primary education had to be achieved. With the 2015 deadline now only one year away and a new generation of development goals in the scaffolding, it is time to draw some conclusions about MDGs and its aspirations for the future. Did the MDGs transform thinking on development for a generation or were they little more than the millennium bug, which created lots of noise but little impact? In our opening debate we therefore bring together 2 experts on the Millennium Development Goals and the road towards the Post 2015 agenda.
Rudy De Meyer is adjunct-director politics at 11.11.11, the Flemish federation of North South Organizations. As head of the research department, he has been tracking the progress on the Millennium Development Goals for years.
ODI (2013) A rough guide to emerging consensus and divergence in post-2015 goal areas
Al Jazeera America (September 29, 2014) Many UN development goals still far off target, experts say
Outcome Document - Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Tuesday 14 October - Climate change on the post-2015 agenda. What role for developing countries?
Andrew Scott (Research fellow, ODI, UK)
Maeve McLynn (Climate & Development Policy Coordinator, Climate Action Network Europe)
Moderator: Jean Hugé (postdoctoral research fellow, ULB, Systems Ecology & Resource Management Lab)
Ppt Andrew Scott
Different studies show that the poor are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. Developing countries are experiencing gradual sea-level rises, stronger cyclones, warmer days and nights, more unpredictable rains, and larger and longer heatwaves. These processes generate direct and indirect effects on the quality of life and on the developmental capacity of millions of people in the South. Actions to address these processes will also influence development outcomes. Additionally, climate change will determine whether the development outcomes already achieved can be sustained. There is thus a clear link between climate change and development. But how can climate action be included in the post-2015 agenda? How can the efforts of developing countries and developed countries be defined and shared? And how to ensure outcomes that are beneficial for both climate change and development?
The race to ensure both environmental sustainability and human development (blog)
Tuesday 21 October - Lousy jobs for all or decent work for a few?
Lawrence Egulu (Senior Advisor, International Labour Organization (ILO), Switzerland)
Francis Teal (Emeritus Professor, Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), University of Oxford, UK)
Moderator: Ben Vanpeperstraete - Supply Chain Coordinator at Uni Global Union
With the global economy still sputtering more than five years after the ‘Great Recession’ began, job creation is again firmly on the policy agenda of governments and international organisations alike. In 2013, for example, the World Bank devoted its flagship World Development Report to this topic, showing that over the next 15 years an additional 600 million new jobs will be needed to absorb fast-growing working-age populations, particularly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The report also argued that employment is instrumental for broader economic and social progress, besides its critical importance for individual well-being. Our keynote speaker Lawrence Egulu contends that in many developing countries, the problem is not so much the lack of jobs per se, but rather the poor quality and low productivity of existing jobs. What is needed, he argues, is better-paid employment that is supported by improved social safety nets and more bargaining power for unions, so that workers get to enjoy most of their increased earning power. These kinds of jobs are exactly what the International Labour Organization (ILO) seeks to promote under its Decent Work agenda. Discussant Francis Teal, however, will defend the proposition that the ILO’s focus on creating ‘decent’ jobs in the poorest countries risks leading to greater poverty, rather than less. In his opinion, policies that generate many ‘bad’ jobs (by the ILO’s definition) could actually be better at providing the poorly-educated with higher incomes than high-quality but capital-expensive jobs that will only be available to the happy few.
Lawrence Egulu (2014) African working women and men need decent work
Francis Teal (2012) Policies for jobs in Africa: why we need more bad jobs (and fewer good ones)
Tuesday 28 October - Furthering the right to development. Towards a framework convention?
Koen De Feyter (Professor and Chair of International Law, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Jean Bossuyt (Head of Strategy, European Centre for Development Policy Management, Belgium)
Moderator: Laura Beke (Research fellow, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, University of Leuven, Belgium)
PPT De Feyter
The Right to Development entails the right for every person to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy development, in which all human rights can be fully realized. However, at present no consensus exist between countries on how to realize the Right to Development. The Global South argues the need for a more equal international financial system, more clout in international decision-making and fair terms of trade. The North, on the other hand, emphasizes good governance, democracy and sound economic management. In this debate, Prof. Dr. Koen De Feyter (University of Antwerp, Belgium) and Mr. Jean Bossuyt (ECDPM, Belgium) discuss ways to overcome the political controversy over the legal status of the Right to Development. Prof. Koen De Feyter will present his “framework convention” on the Right to Development, underscoring the need for a gradual legal track to agree on specific protocols to obtain wider convergence in the long run. Mr. Jean Bossuyt will afterwards assess the legal tool with insights from the policy-making world.
De Feyter Koen (2013) Towards a framework convention on the right to development
Tuesday 4 November: Donors and the private sector: true partners for change?
Sarah Vaes (senior research associate at the Research Institute for Work and Society - HIVA)
Claudia Pompa (research officer at the Oversees Institute for Development - ODI)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Patrick Kenis (Academic Dean of Antwerp Management School, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Presentation Sarah Vaes
Presentation Claudia Pompa
One of the crucial challenges of the post-2015 agenda will be to harness the power of private sector enterprise and turn them into a prominent contributor to global development. Only a decade ago, the development community shied away from engaging with the private sector because their drive for profit and shareholder satisfaction seemed irreconcilable with sustainable development. In the early 2000s, donors quite successfully engaged themselves to untie their aid from private sector gains. But in the wake of the financial crisis, the role of the private sector in development is again open for discussion. In our debate, Sarah Vaes of KULeuven and Claudia Pompa of ODI will assess the relationships between donors and private actors, both in the North and South. They will offer insights into the opportunities that this relationship offers, but also the pitfalls that we have to avoid.
Reimagining the role of the private sector in global development
Tuesday 18 November - Inside and beyond BRICs. Strategies to influence the global order of development.
David Hulme (Professor of Development Studies, University of Manchester, UK)
Ray Kiely (Professor of International Politics, Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Moderator: Tom De Herdt (Chair, IOB, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Powerpoing Hulme
Powerpoint Kiely
Over the past two decades, Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRICs) have improved their relative position within the global income hierarchy. Thereby, the gap between the developed and developing world has narrowed and the power to influence global decision-making diffused. But is this a one-size-fits-all story? For example, have Brazil, India, Russia and China equal leverage and converging interests at the international stage, as is frequently assumed, or do important differences remain? Is the sheer focus on BRICs justified or are other ‘rising powers’ also getting more clout? What can we say about their strategies to influence the global sphere? In this debate, Professor David Hulme (Professor of Development Studies, University of Manchester) will go “beyond the BRICs” to discuss how recent economic risers, like South Africa and Mexico, among others, are altering the global politics of development. Ray Kiely (Professor of International Politics, Queen Mary University of London) will afterwards discuss the dynamics within core powers of the international world system and discuss the mechanisms and techniques that undermine fundamental shifts to occur.
Oliver Stuenkel (2013) Institutionalizing South-South cooperation: towards a new paradigm?
Tuesday 25 November - From bullets to ballots? The role of democratic elections in peace building and state building processes.
Andrew Bradley (Director, Office of International IDEA to the EU, Belgium)
Stef Vandeginste (lecturer, IOB, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Moderator: Nadia Molenaers (lecturer, IOB, University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Powerpoint Bradley
Since the establishment of the Millennium Development Goals, there has been a growing recognition to support the existence of strong linkages between development and peace. There is now a widespread agreement that focusing on political issues such as peace and governance, as well as economic factors is essential to meet development objectives. These issues are likely to gain even more prominence in the post 2015 framework. But what is the best model to promote peace? Since the early 1990s, democratization, and consequently the organization of elections, has become an increasingly prominent feature in post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding processes. The underlying assumption of this ‘liberal peace’ model is that the combination of democracy and the insertion in the market economy is the most suited model to avoid conflict and to build a peaceful state. However, empirical evidence suggests that in different countries, elections did not contribute to the consolidation of a democratic state. In this debate we question whether the liberal peace model is the most appropriate model to consolidate the post-conflict state. Do elections bring peace? Or do they, when organized prematurely, contribute to insecurity and instability?
Reilly 2010- elections in post-conflict scenarios
Electoral Processes & Political Parties: Elections, Political Parties, Democracy & Peacebuilding
Tuesday 2 December -Leaving no one behind: Why and how to tackle inequality post-2015
Stephan Klasen (Professor, University of Göttingen and Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany)
Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva (Head of Research, Oxfam GB, UK)
Moderator: Koen Decancq (Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck - University of Antwerp)
Powerpoint Klasen
Inequality has undoubtedly become one of the hottest discussion topics in economic and social policy circles, both in the developing world and industrialised countries (witness the record sales of Thomas Piketty’s opus magnum Capital). Inevitably, inequality has also occupied a prominent role in deliberations on the Sustainable Development Goals, which will replace the original MDGs after 2015. Inequality concerns were notably missing in the MDGs. Our keynote, Stephan Klasen, will argue that, while inequality is certainly a serious problem that needs to be addressed, taking up within-country inequality reduction as a specific goal in the post-2015 agenda is not a good idea. For one, it will be very hard to establish a sort of global consensus on what the ‘optimal’ level of national inequality should be. Endless discussions about this may well derail the debate on a post-2015 development agenda that focuses firstmost on eliminating deprivation. Our discussant, Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva, believes that the fight against inequality, even if it will be difficult to agree on reduction targets, does deserve a central place in the post-2015 agenda. Higher inequality is closely associated with lower social mobility and lower equality of opportunities as well as with elite capture, which distorts accommodative economic and social policies away from those that need them most.
Klasen (2012) No, we don't need an MDG for inequality, The Brokeronline
Fuentes-Nieva (2013) Keeping an eye on the have-mores, The Brokeronline