The NAMED project is structured in two main parts:
Part A is the ‘quantitative part’ of NAMED and will consist of an epidemiological study in the participants of the Belgian HIS 2008 and 2013. Relationships between mental health and the built/non-built environment will be investigated based on the individual data of the participants, accounting for demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. To this purpose, the x,y- coordinates of the participants’ home addresses will be retrieved and high-quality indicators will be developed to better characterize the environment of each participant in terms of built/non-built environment, but also air and noise pollution. In addition, the role of potential intermediary variables on the relationship between mental health and built/non-built environment will be explored. This first step will permit to generate hypotheses and identify knowledge gaps to be further investigated through the qualitative approach.
Part B is the ‘qualitative part’ of NAMED and will develop context specific in-depth qualitative research. First, inhabitants will be interviewed on their perception of mental health and the environment they live by means of multiple case studies. Results will complement the quantitative part. In a second step, stakeholders and local experts will be involved in discussing the outcomes in relation to potential management actions through focus groups. Lastly, an extended peer evaluation of methodological outcomes will be carried out,
Combination of the quantitative and qualitative parts will lead to practical management advices in the field of land planning and public health, as well as recommendations for the improvement of the HIS.
In essence, NAMED can thus be summarized by the following figure: