Inland shipping already plays an important role in the port of Antwerp, among other places. But it can be even more effective, according to research by the University of Antwerp. Work to be done, a challenge that is being taken up within the Dennie Lockefeer Chair. The inauguration is scheduled for Monday 20 January 2020.
On Monday 20 January 2020, the Dennie Lockefeer Chair will officially start at the University of Antwerp. In memory of Dennie Lockefeer (1976-2019), who was Managing Director Port & Intermodal Logistics at Van Moer Logistics, 29 companies are joining forces to give scientific research into inland shipping a solid boost. During his career, Lockefeer was greatly appreciated by the broad port community and by the academic world for his insights and expertise.
“This is truly a unique story,” says Dimitry Beuckelaers of the Antwerp University Fund. “Never before has a chair been financed by 29 different companies, with very diverse profiles and directly or indirectly connected to the port community. Private individuals can also contribute – united as ‘The Friends of the Dennie Lockefeer Chair’. Everyone is already committed until 2023, with the possibility of an extension.”
The chair focuses on research, education and services. In terms of education, there will be an annual prize for the best inland shipping thesis. Under the service provision section, an annual lecture on the theme of inland shipping will be organised. But the focus will be on research. Starting from the European Green Deal (focusing on an active modal shift policy), the relationship between sustainable inland container shipping and capacity (maritime terminal, inland terminal and warehouses) is central to the research.
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