The Dennie Lockefeer Chair hosted the free-of-charge hybrid lecture 'Transport Mode Decisions in Intermodal Supply Chains: Determining Factors' on Tuesday 21 January 2025 from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Given the great international reach of the previous lecture, we were pleased to offer this lecture in a hybrid format. We were delighted to welcome 80 people live at the university campus and 109 people online. The welcomes by prof. dr. Christa Sys and Vice-rector for Societal Engagement and International Policy prof. dr. Nathalie Dens announced the prolonging of the Chair for another year. The keynote speech by Flemish Minister for Mobility, Public Works, Ports and Sport, Annick De Ridder, discussed Flemish policy objectives related to intermodality and highlighted the importance of people and labor in the port ecosystem. The industry panels provided a lively discussion around topics related to intermodality and mode choice. Thank you all for being present!