Golden partners Dennie Lockefeer Chair
Three partner packages are proposed together with the University Fund Antwerp:
"Gold" package (10,000 euros / year for three consecutive years) with the following return:
- Logo mention on the Dennie Lockefeer chair website (1st place)
- Four invitations to the launch event of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Exclusive involvement as a member of the steering committee of the Dennie Lockefeer chair chaired by Prof. Dr. Christa Sys
- Four invitations for the closing moment of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Invitations to interim events (lectures, awards at students' prizes, etc.)
"Silver" package (5,000 euros / year for three consecutive years) with the return:
- Logo mention on the Dennie Lockefeer chair website (2nd place)
- Two invitations to the launch event of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Two invitations for the closing moment of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Invitations to interim events (lectures, awards at students' prizes, etc.)
"Bronze" package (1,000 euros / year for three consecutive years) with the return:
- Two invitations to the launch event of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Two invitations for the closing moment of the Dennie Lockefeer chair
- Invitations to interim events (lectures, awards at students' prizes, etc.)
If interested to become a partner, you can inform the promotor of the Chair Christa Sys (Christa.sys@uantwerpen.be). The formalities regarding financial commitment are then jointly arranged by the University Fund Antwerp.