Christa Sys
Christa Sys currently is holder of the BNP Paribas Fortis chair on transport, logistics and ports and promotor of the Chair Dennie Lockefeer at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics. Until October 2013, Christa Sys was scientific director of the Research Centre on Freight and Passengers flows. Next, she is course co-ordinator for the courses ‘Maritime Economics and Businesses’ and ‘Maritime Supply Chain’ and co-organizer of ‘Fundamentals of maritime shipping’ at the Centre for Maritime and Air Transport (C-MAT). She also teaches at the Faculty of Business and Economics. Her educational activities focus on (operational aspects of) maritime transport, maritime economics and logistics & transport (Dutch program) . Her research centres on maritime economics and co-operation and competition in shipping. Until 2024, she was co-organizer of the specialisation courses Antwerp Rail School (odd years) and Antwerp Inland Navigation School (even years).
Statute & functions
Zelfstandig academisch pers.
- professor
Thierry Vanelslander
Thierry Vanelslander (°1975) is a professor at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics of the University of Antwerp. Thierry is promotor of both the BNP Paribas Fortis chair and the Chair Dennie Lockefeer. He is currently course co-ordinator for the courses 'Port Economics and Business' at C-MAT, and 'Transportbedrijfseconomie' and 'Maritieme en Haveneconomie' at the Faculty of Business and Economics. His research focuses on business economics in the port and maritime sector, and in hinterland transport and urban logistics. He furthermore is chair of the SIGA2 Maritime and Ports and topic area manager Transport Modes within WCTR, and chair Freight & Logistics at ETC.
Statute & functions
Zelfstandig academisch pers.
- full professor
- vice-dean