Special requests

ESHMS is committed to making the 2024 conference accessible to all. Contact eshms@uantwerpen.be if you have specific requests. Requests must be received by May 1, 2024. Attendees who do not make advance arrangements for services or equipment can inquire onsite at the registration counters. Every reasonable effort will be made to assist attendees onsite. However, ESHMS may not be able to provide all services or equipment due to availability or the time required to obtain them.

Accessible Antwerp and the conference venue

Detailed information on accessibility of the city of Antwerp is offered on the Antwerp accessibility website. All meeting rooms as well as the social dinner venue are wheelchair accessible. Please contact us in case you have additional requests.

Assistance while in Antwerp 

If you require assistance with any meeting related issues (i.e. hotel, transportation, meeting space, etc.), you can email eshms@uantwerpen.be or reach the accessibility coordinator by phone or text (number to be provided closer to conference time). The accessibility coordinator will record the concern and will be your advocate in working to resolve the issue as best we can.

Accessible presentation 

Each presentation or session should be designed and conducted with the full participation of all in mind. The American Sociological Association has an excellent website with Guidelines for Accessible Presentation. We ask all presenters to review these guidelines when preparing their presentation.


We will be granting two scholarships among presenters with limited financial means. The scholarships will  cover the registration fee and 300 euros to cover accommodation. Please note that travel costs will not be covered. In order to apply for this scholarship, send an email to eshms@uantwerpen.be before April 15, 2024, including the following documents:

  1. a motivation letter
  2. proof that you don’t have the funding to cover all the costs for attending the conference (e.g., a letter from the university administration with a stamp from the university)

​Please take into consideration that this call is issued with the intention of providing presenters who might otherwise be unable to attend the congress with the opportunity to showcase their work.

Online streaming of keynotes

While the 2024 edition of the conference is an in-person conference, will offer the opportunity to attend the keynote presentations online, with paid registration at a reduced fee.

Prayer room 

The prayer room is designated for use by attendees requiring a private space to pray. The room is not available for conversations or meetings. The prayer room will be located in Room S.K.121. 

Quiet room

The quiet room is designated for use by attendees requiring a respite from meeting activities, either for meditation, a respite from conference activities or nursing. The quiet room is not available for conversations or meetings. The quiet room will be located in Room S.K.122.

Child care services 

ESHMS welcomes parents to bring newborn children to the conference and if needed can help with the arrangement of a babysitting service. Please contact eshms@uantwerpen.be with such a request prior to June 1, 2024.

Water bottles 

Please be sure to bring your own reusable bottles to use during the meeting to cut down on the use of single-use plastic bottles.