We most warmly invite you to submit an abstract for the plenary sessions and poster presentations. Abstracts can be submitted until September 15, 2025 (detailed information about the procedure will follow in June 2025). Your contribution must be related to on one of the subjects of the plenaries. If selected by the Scientific Council, you will be invited to present in the respective session. 

In addition, we welcome your submissions for project ideas. We particularly invite you to propose joint projects developed by an interdisciplinary team involving partners from different countries. ECRA is made to encourage, mentor and support applications for funding joint research projects under EU and other programs; it will do so with at least one or two of the joint projects presented at the Conference.

An abstract book will be made available to all participants and will also be published on the Conference website. In addition, we will produce, as milestones on the way to the Conference, lists of recent topical publications related to each session as well as some other materials allowing for a focussed preparation of all participants to our discussions.