Even if we are technologically able to do so, are we still allowed to create our designed environment as we see fit? Is the future too emergent and does it deserve ‘design thinking’? How can we navigate through rapid transitions and within planetary boundaries? Can a systemic lens help us creating an overview to better overcome the present and imminent future conflicts? And can we regenerate ecological and social damage done?

The futures we want tomorrow are enabled by the actions we take today. Shaping societies, industries, buildings, products and behaviours is a task to tackle by those able to cut across different disciplines and become agents for change, adaptation and nature positive transformation, by design.

  • Systemic & strategic problem solving 
  • The concept of abundance
  • Decoupling innovation from the notion of “new”
  • Biophilic design 
  • Resilience in fashion and interior design 

Program Track Committee

Chair: Bob Geldermans (Research Group Henry Van de Velde)

Ivo Dewit (Research Group Product Development) Els Du Bois (Research Group Product Development) Alexis Jacoby (Research Group Product Development) Dirk Van Rooy (Research Group Product Development) Mario Rinke (Research Group Henry Van de Velde) Bert Belmans (Research Group EMIB-BEASt)