In this inaugural conference of the European Public Finds Recording Network (EPFRN) on June 10th and 11th, we welcome paper submissions on the following themes: 

  •  Theoretical perspectives on HPCs and citizen science 
  •  Hobby metal detecting in archaeology and numismatics 
  •  Data or people? Digital approaches to hobby archaeology 
  •  Heritage collector collaborations 

In addition, we invite lightning session presentations of ten minutes each, in which any related topics can be presented. This may be ideal for introducing new or in-progress research, presenting a particular HPC group, or describing a participatory project in brief.  

Please submit a 100-150 word abstract to, by 20 April 2024, indicating whether you wish to be considered for a full presentation (20 mins) or a lightning presentation (10 mins).  

In conjunction with this conference, a Public Day will be organized by partner Histories vzw on June 8th in Leuven. Here, hobby detectorists from Flanders will meet and exchange ideas on how they conduct research and build knowledge about the past. Participants to the conference are cordially invited to join this event, details of which are to be communicated shortly.