Guidelines & Templates
Extended Abstract for Review
- Please use one of these templates.
- The paper size is A4.
- The extended abstract should contain a maximum of 2 pages and will be provided in a book of abstracts during the conference to the participants.
- Structure the contribution into chapters or only use the abstract paragraph.
- The paper has to be uploaded as PDF at
- For the abstract submission you must name the person who will be presenting the contribution at the conference. This name will be included in the conference programme Folder. Changes can only be considered on the conference website.
Paper Submission for
Upon acceptance, the authors have to deliver a mandatory full paper for the online proceedings of the conference. Submitted papers must be camera-ready and conform to the format specified in the templates and the instructions:
- The paper should contain 5-10 pages. The paper size is A4.
- Please use the template of the extended abstract.
- The full paper has to be written in accordance with the iCT paper guidelines.
- The paper has to be uploaded as PDF at
- It will be published in the digital iCT conference proceedings on
- By submitting a paper for publishing in the proceedings I agree to the following publication license:
- Copyright 2025 – by the Authors. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Final versions of the accepted papers will be made freely accessible on - Open Access Archive in a special issue of the e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing ISSN 1435-4934 (
Selected papers will go through a peer review process organized by the conference and will be published in a Special Issue of the Research and Review Journal of Nondestructive Testing (ReJNDT) (2941-4989) of
By submitting a paper I agree to the following publication procedure:
I accept that the conference committee is authorized to transfer my submitted paper(s) and author data to for publication. I agree to the following publication license: Copyright 2025 - by the Authors. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Oral Presentation
- 15 minutes talk + 5 minutes of discussion.
- Get ready to present your paper at a conference. A key part of the research and review process is presenting and defending your work in front of peers at a conference. The first step in getting ready to present your paper is to determine what key message you want to communicate to your audience. Your presentation is 15 minutes long, so you will not have time to present all the details of your work. The objective of your presentation is to get people interested in your work, not to explain it to them fully.
- Organize your talk with these tips:
- Begin by stating the purpose or goal of your research. Tell the audience why your work is important.
- Provide a very brief literature review. This will give the audience some context.
- Move on to the main points of your own research.
- Conclude by reiterating the importance of your research and emphasizing the key points.
- Tips for Creating Presentation Slides
- Remember that your slides do not have to tell the story on their own. Slides are meant to illustrate your work, not explain it entirely.
- Use graphics where possible. Limit text to phrases and bullet points, rather than full sentences. Use only 1 font (e.g. Arial)
- Once you have drafted your slides, record yourself practicing your talk with the slides so that you can identify areas for improvement.
- Be sure to stay within your time limit and leave time for questions from the audience
- The presentation slides must be handed in during the break prior to your designated session in the auditorium at the presentation laptop. The use of personal laptops is not allowed.
- Microsoft Office 2010 is installed on the presentation laptop.
- Your presentation may include videos and animations (a preliminary test at the conference venue is advised). All common/important codecs and players are supported (beware of potential content protection issues that may arise with certain combinations of codecs and/or players). The beamer resolution is Full HD 1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9).
- Please meet the chair of your session prior to the start of the session for a short introduction.
Upon acceptance, take your printed poster to the conference venue (maximal size A0 portrait). An electronic submission is not necessary. The exhibition area will provide labels, where the poster is supposed to hang. The acceptance comprises discussions at the poster with the author during the poster exhibition.
Poster guidelines:
- The default format for posters is A0 portrait.
- The standard layout is: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Deviation from this template is allowed if it suits the subject.
- Use figures and tables to clarify results and provide references.
- Emphasize the clinical applications/impact of your work in your poster presentation.
- On-site, you will find a plan of the poster boards. Hang your poster on the assigned board, preferably during the morning registration timeslot. You can bring a tablet or other portable device to show additional supporting material.
Poster guidelines
- The default format for posters is A0 portrait.
- The standard layout is: introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion. Deviation from this template is allowed if it suits the subject.
- Use figures and tables to clarify results and provide references.
- Emphasize the clinical applications/impact of your work in your poster presentation.
- On-site, you will find a plan of the poster boards. Hang your poster on the assigned board, preferably during the morning registration timeslot. You can bring a tablet or other portable device to show additional supporting material.
- Note: there is no possibility to print your poster on-site. However, you may contact an external printer shop that provides such a service: Image Building
Last Minute Poster
You may submit a poster for display during the Conference without talk and publication in the conference proceedings. Please send title and a short outline of your Poster by email until December 18, 2024 at the latest. Upon acceptance, take your printed poster to the conference venue. An electronic submission is not necessary. The exhibition area will provide labels, where the poster is supposed to hang. The acceptance comprises discussions at the poster with the author during the poster exhibition.
Important Dates & Deadlines
- Deadline early bird registration: December 6, 2024 (closed)
- Abstract submission for last minute poster: December 18, 2024 (closed)
- Paper submission deadline: January 3, 2025 (no more extension afterwards)
- Tomographic Award deadline: January 3, 2025
- Registration deadline: January 15, 2025
- Conference: February 4 - 7, 2025