Chairs: M. Wevers and S. Zabler

  • Glovebox-CT to Enable 3D Imaging of Reactive or Hazardous Samples

Nick Brierley1, Darius Zanke1, Luke Peche1, Peter Habenschaden2

1diondo GmbH, Germany; 2M. BRAUN Inertgas-Systeme GmbH, Germany

  • Digital fiber length determination for injection molded glass fiber reinforced composite materials

Andreas Griesser, Nelly Nunheim, Oliver Rimmel, Erik Glatt, Anne Blumer

Math2Market GmbH, Germany

  • Surface Quality Monitoring and Improvement for Dimensional Metrology in Inline CT by Denoising with Neural Networks and Fast Surface Quality Metric

Faizan Ahmad1, Ahmed Baraka2, Steffen Kiess1, Dominik Wolfschläger2, César Cardona Marin1, Robert Schmitt2, Sven Simon1

1Department of Computational Imaging Systems, ITI, University of Stuttgart,; 12IQS Intelligence in Quality Sensing, Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering WZL | RWTH Aachen University

  • Segmentation of a CFRP weave structure for material characterization and simulation

Benedikt Boos, Kevin Chen, Martin Gurka

Leibniz-Institute for Composite Materials, Germany