• Automatisation developments on ESRF-EBS BM05 beamline

Fabien Léonard, Florian Jürries, Elodie Boller

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

  • Safeguarding accuracy for CT imaging with industrial robots: Efficient calibration methods for arbitrary trajectories

Anton Weiss1, Simon Wittl1, Gabriel Herl1, Simon Zabler1, Anna Trauth2, Markus G. R. Sause2

1Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany; 2Institute for Materials Resource Management, University of Augsburg

  • Cracks in refractory concrete: Transgranular or intergranular?

Christian Jung1, Katja Schladitz2, Claudia Redenbach1, Anna Nowacka1,2, Jana Hubálková3

1RPTU, Germany; 2Fraunhofer ITWM, Germany; 3TUBAF, Germany

  • CT of Clinch Points – Enhancing Interface Detectibility Using Galvanised Layers of Radiopaque Materials

Daniel Köhler, Robert Kupfer, Juliane Troschitz, Maik Gude

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, TUD Dresden University of Technology