Chairs: N. Handke and B. De Samber

Automatisation developments on ESRF-EBS BM05 beamline

Fabien Léonard, Florian Jürries, Elodie Boller

The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France

Safeguarding accuracy for CT imaging with industrial robots: Efficient calibration methods for arbitrary trajectories

Anton Weiss1, Simon Wittl1, Gabriel Herl1, Simon Zabler1, Anna Trauth2, Markus G. R. Sause2

1Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany; 2Institute for Materials Resource Management, University of Augsburg

Cracks in refractory concrete: Transgranular or intergranular?

Christian Jung1, Katja Schladitz2, Claudia Redenbach1, Anna Nowacka1,2, Jana Hubálková3

1RPTU, Germany; 2Fraunhofer ITWM, Germany; 3TUBAF, Germany

CT of Clinch Points – Enhancing Interface Detectibility Using Galvanised Layers of Radiopaque Materials

Daniel Köhler, Robert Kupfer, Juliane Troschitz, Maik Gude

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, TUD Dresden University of Technology

Closing talk and iCT 2026 outlook

Take-a-way light lunch