We are very proud to announce the following keynote speakers*:

Katrien Vangrieken – KU Leuven Professional Learning & Development, Corporate Training and Lifelong Learning (Belgium)


Katrien Vangrieken is appointed as professor at the centre for Professional Learning & Development, Corporate Training and Lifelong Learning (KU Leuven). Her research is focused on collaboration & teamwork and professional learning in and of teams in organisations. One of the research lines within this topic focuses on professional functioning and collaboration of teachers, with a particular interest in the work-related challenges teachers as collaborative professionals are confronted with. 

The courses she teaches in the faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences are focused on group dynamics and process-oriented team coaching. For further information, please visit: Katrien Vangrieken | KU Leuven​​

Selection of publications
  • Vangrieken, K., De Cuyper, N., De Witte, H. (2023). Karasek's activation hypothesis: A longitudinal test of within-person relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 495-518. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2669
  • Vangrieken, K., Kyndt, E. (2020). The Teacher as an Island? A Mixed Method Study on the Relationship Between Autonomy and Collaboration. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35 (1), 177-204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10212-019-00420-0
  • Vangrieken, K., Grosemans, I., Dochy, F., Kyndt, E. (2017). Teacher autonomy and collaboration: A paradox? Conceptualising and measuring teachers’ autonomy and collaborative attitude. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 302-315. 10.1016/j.tate.2017.06.021
  • Vangrieken, K., Dochy, F., Raes, E., Kyndt, E. (2015). Teacher collaboration: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 15, 17-40. 10.1016/j.edurev.2015.04.002

Thomas Walsh - Maynooth University School of Education (Ireland)


Dr Thomas Walsh is an Associate Professor in the Department of Education, Maynooth University, Ireland. Tom joined the Department in 2014 having previously worked as a primary school teacher, an education researcher and a primary school inspector at the Department of Education and Skills. 

Over the past decade, Tom has undertaken a range of leadership roles, including school placement coordinator, Deputy Head of Department, Acting Head of Department and Chairperson of the Maynooth University Social Research Ethics Subcommittee. He is currently coordinator of the Department’s PhD programme. His main research interests focus on contemporary education policies, history of education, curriculum studies and teacher education. He teaches on a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the Department on topics relating to his research interests.  He has published widely in national and international journals and handbooks, and is involved in a range of research collaborations and projects. In 2023-24, he was a visiting Fulbright Scholar at Northwestern University, Chicago, and a Researcher-in-Residence at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris. For further information, please visit: Thomas Walsh | Maynooth University

Selection of publications

  • Walsh, T. (2024) 'From ‘sojourning’ to standards: a critical reflection on the evolution of initial teacher education policy in Ireland'. European Journal of Teacher Education (Online). https://doi.org/10.1080/02619768.2024.2323928
  • Walsh, T. (2022) 'Promoted widely but not valued’: Teachers’ perceptions of team teaching as a form of professional development in post-primary schools in Ireland'. Professional Development in Education, 48 (4):688-704. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2020.1725596
  • Rickard A.; Walsh T. (2019) Policy, practice and process in team teaching: a pilot project with co-operating teachers and student teachers on school placement. Irish Educational Studies, 38(3): 309-326. https://doi.org/10.1080/03323315.2019.1625798

*One paper will be selected as plenary presentation.