Preliminary time schedule

Day 1: Monday, 7 July

09:30 - Opening

10:00 - Keynote Address 1: Prof. Britta van Beers

11:00 - Coffee Break

11:30 - Parallel Sessions I 

12:30 - Lunch

13:30 - Keynote Address 2: Prof. David Gunkel

15:00 - Parallel Sessions II 

16:00 - Coffee Break

16:30 - Parallel Sessions III 

17:30 - End of Day 1

19:00 - Conference Dinner

Day 2: Tuesday, 8 July

09:00 - Keynote Address 3: Prof. Tomasz Pietrzykowski

10:30 - Parallel Sessions IV

11:30 - Coffee Break

12:00 - Parallel Sessions V 

13:00 - Lunch

14:00 - Parallel Sessions VI 

15:00 - Coffee Break

15:30 - Closing Session

16:30 - End of Conference and Drink Reception