Tuesday 8 July 2025: Guided tours and keynote lecture

  • Guided tours of Antwerp and its World Heritage printing museum (Museum Plantin-Moretus)
  • Choral Evensong with the English Chamber Choir
  • Keynote lecture by Andrew Pettegree

Wednesday 9 July 2025: English Bibles in 16th-century Antwerp

  • Plenary sessions and shorter papers relating to the theme
  • Keynote lectures by Mark Rankin, Brian Cummings, and Diarmaid MacCulloch
  • Concert of 16th-century music from England and the Low Countries (The English Chamber Choir) in cooperation with prof. dr. Ignace Bossuyt (KU Leuven)

Thursday 10 July 2025: Low Countries Books for Tudor Readers

  • Plenary sessions and shorter papers relating to the theme
  • Keynote lectures by Chris Warner and Cristina Dondi
  • End-of-conference meal

Friday 11 July 2025: Excursion to the old university town of Leuven (Louvain)

  • Visit to Erasmus’ Collegium Trilingue, St Peter’s Church, 15th-century Town Hall, Papal College and Beguinage

Access Museum Plantin-Moretus

For the entire duration of the conference, all participants will have access to a small-scale curated display in the Museum Plantin-Moretus showing books from the museum’s own collection, with two loans from institutions outside Antwerp: (1) the Worms copy of Tyndale’s New Testament (the only complete copy, probably from 1526) and (2) the letter Tyndale wrote while imprisoned in Vilvoorde Castle in 1535 (loan from the General State Archive in Brussels to be confirmed).