Registration fee

​Conference fee 3 days 
(8, 9 and 10 July)
50 euro
​Conference fee 8 July only 
(guided tours and 1st keynote lecture)
12 euro
Conference fee 9 July only, including the concert 
(subject: English Bibles in 16th Century Antwerp)
25 euro
​Conference fee 10 July only, not including the end of conference meal 
(subject: Low Countries Books for Tudor Readers)
25 euro
​End-of-conference meal in Hof Van Liere, Antwerp, 10 July
50 euro
Excursion to Leuven on 11 July
(transport and lunch)
35 euro

You can choose to pay directly online (you will get a payment confirmation in your mailbox) or via invoice.