Survey StatUa courses

To prepare the course offer for next academic year according to the need of researchers, StatUa would like your opinion on the courses.

Thank you for completing this survey!

The courses open in 2024 for registration:​​​

Past courses:

  • R workshop (January 22-23-24, 2024)
  • Graphics in R (March 4-5, 2024)
  • Basic principles of statistics (February 12-13-14-15, 2024) 
  • Multivariate statistics (March 11-12-13, 2024)
  • Analysis of grouped an longitudinal data using mixed models (March 19-20, 2024)
  • Multiple linear regression and ANOVA (April 10-11, 2024) 
  • Multilevel analysis (May 13-14-15, 2024)
  • Basic principles of statistics (April 22-23-24-25, 2024 - Online)
  • Categorical data analysis using logistic regression (May 28-29-30, 2024)
  • Introduction to Internet Questionnaires with QUALTRICS (3 June, 2024)
  • Introduction to JMP Pro (7 June, 2024) 
  • Basic principles of statistics (June 10-11-12-13, 2024 Online)
  • Multilevel analysis (June 4-5-7, 2024)

FLAMES courses @ UAntwerp

FLAMES SUMMER SCHOOL 09-20, September 2024

Past courses:

An introduction to writing qualitative research papers for publication in academic journals (January 18, 2024) (Online)

Literature Reviews with NVivo (February 23, 2024) 

Process evaluation studies: How to plan, design, conduct and report process evaluation (March 22, 2024) (FULL)

Introduction to R (March 25-29, 2024) (Online)

Introduction to Graphics using R (April 22 - May 3, 2024) (Online)

FAM 2024 in UAntwerpen 19 April, 2024 in City Campus