
14h00 - 14h05
Opening remarks by the head of the organizing committee
dr. Julia Ramos González
14h05 - 14h30
Sparse exponential analysis
Ferre Knaepkens
14h30 - 14h55
Algebras with involution
Fatma Kader Bingöl
14h55 - 15h25
Women in science
Prof. dr. Katrien Kolenberg
Sarah Ahannach
15h25 - 15h40
Reinsurance pricing
dr. Tim Janssens
15h40 - 16h10
Virtual coffee break

16h10 - 16h25
Data Science: what it is and what are today's challenges.
dr. Matthias Roels
16h25 - 17h10 (Pitch presentations)
The geometry of classical mechanics
dr. Joseph Palmer
Linearized scaffolds of spaces: an invitation to homological algebra
dr. Francesco Genovese
How much information can we recover from a space if we ignore its points?
Wouter Van Den Haute
Regularization of ill-conditioned linear systems
Jeffrey Cornelis
No spins attached?
Güner Muarem
17h10 - 17h35
The N-body problem of celestial mechanics
dr. Marine Fontaine
17h35 - 17h40
Closing remarks by the chair of the department
Prof. dr. Karel In't Hout
17h40 - 18h10
Discussion with speakers