USOS | Film screening | Discussion

6 March | 18:30-21:00

The Great Indian Kitchen is a powerful and critical Indian film about patriarchal norms and the role of women in traditional households. The film tells the story of a newlywed woman adjusting to her new life with her husband and his conservative family. As she struggles with the endless household chores and the expectation to obey in silence, she gets increasingly frustrated at the system that suppresses her freedom and identity. The film, directed by Jeo Baby, combines intimate and realistic images to provide a sharp critique of gender inequality within traditional Indian cultures.

The film will be followed by a discussion on gender and the position of women in Belgium/Europe and in India and the Global South.

This event is organised by USOS.

Everyone is welcome, registration is free but required!

City campus S.R.004 (Rodestraat 14)