Several lectures on the themes of ethnic-cultural diversity & inclusion and global engagement will be organised in March:
- 26 February, 13-18- 26 March, 17:00-19:00: Memorial lecture series Koen De Feyter
- 4 March:'Under the spell of us vs. them. A plea for combination thinking', by Patrick Loobuyck, Christophe Busch and Ruth Joos (Dutch)
- 12 March, 12:00 - 13:30: Opening lecture: ‘Racism: on wounds and resilience’, by Naïma Charkaoui (Dutch)
- 12 March, 19:00 - 22:00: Afro-European (Dutch)
- 11-13-18-20 March 2025: Lecture series 'Witnessing Gaza'(ENG)
- 18 March, 18:00 - 21:30: 'Role of The Hague International Criminal Court in contemporary conflicts'by Chris(tine) Van den Wyngaer (ENG). This lecture is canceled.
- 20 March, 14:15 - 16:30: ‘Speaking with rather than about Moroccan mothers’, by Amal Miri (Dutch)
- 24 March, 18:00 - 20:00: 'Racial health inequality?', by Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi and Werner Van Peer (Dutch)
- 25 March, 19h30 - 21h: ‘From Leopold to Lumumba’, by Guy Vanthemsche (Dutch)
- 3 April, 19:00: Anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism(Dutch)