Faculty of Law | Lecture | Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi | Werner Van Peer

24 March | 18:00-20:00

Language Dutch

The lecture ‘Racial health inequality?’ focuses on exploring the origins of ‘race’ and discusses race as a sociological construct. We look at racism in health care, giving several examples. A key part of the lecture is analysing racial health inequalities, looking at studies illustrating differences in health outcomes between different racial groups. We also discuss how racism can make people sick, both at the individual level (e.g. through stress and discrimination) and at the institutional and community level (e.g. through systemic barriers). Finally, we distinguish between race-based medicine and race-conscious medicine. We explore how a more conscious approach can help reduce health inequalities and improve care for all patients.

This lecture is a collaboration between doctor Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi and doctor Werner Van Peer. The Faculty of Medicine aims to teach students to provide the best possible patient-tailored healthcare and wants to facilitate scientific dialogue on this.

Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi | Werner Van Peer

Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi is a physician specialist in training in medical genetics, board member of AfroMedica and former member of the Race and Ethnic Conscious Research and Data (RECoRD) research team at the ITG.

Doctor Werner van Peer is founder of practice house ‘De Heuvel’ in Boechout. He has worked as a GP until September 2021 and works as education coordinator at the Centre for Family Medicine UA (CHA). He is also responsible for the CHA internship team, updates for general practitioners and has several teaching assignments in medical training. He also works as a regional coordinator for the ICHO.

The lecture will be held in Dutch and last until 19:15, there will be a reception afterwards.

Everyone is welcome to attend. This lecture is free, but registration is required.

Campus Drie Eiken | lokaal Q.003

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Lecture Racial health inequality?| Lidvine Ngonseu Harpi & Werner Van Peer | 24 March 18:00-20:00