Science for Everyone | Spectrum lecture | Amal Miri

20 March |14:15-16:30

Language Dutch

​On both international and national levels, migrant women are often seen as passive victims who need assistance to integrate. In Belgium, this perception is particularly prevalent among women involved in family reunification and marriage migration. They are often portrayed as being constrained by their families, husbands, or religion, which is believed to undermine their autonomy as partners and citizens.

This research offers a new perspective by focusing on the stories, experiences, and aspirations of Moroccan migrant women, as expressed by the women themselves. It highlights how they navigate a complex reality as mothers and migrants and explores the role of religion in this context. By doing so, it provides a deeper understanding of their personal choices and the challenges they face.

Amal Miri

This lecture will be given by Amal Miri. She holds a PhD in Gender & Diversity from UGent and is attached to the Department of Sociology at UAntwerp. In her ethnographic research at the intersection of marriage migration, motherhood and integration among Moroccan women in Flanders, she conducted feminist and postcolonial migration research with expertise in affective citizenship.

Everyone is welcome and the lecture is free, however registration is mandatory!

This lecture will be held in Dutch

Precise location will follow

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Spectrum Lecture (Dutch) | Amal Miri | 20 March 14:15-16:30