VLIR, Young Academy and VVS - Collaboration on ethnic-cultural diversity and inclusion in higher education
The rectors of the 5 Flemish universities and the Secretary General of the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) signed the Declaration of Commitment on Ethnic-Cultural Diversity and Inclusion (only available in Dutch) on December 14, 2023. By doing so, they express their commitment to further promote ethno-cultural diversity and inclusion within the fields of student affairs, education, human resources and research at the 5 Flemish universities.
This declaration of commitment and an extensive document with scientific foundation and practical inspiring good practices were elaborated by a partnership between the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR), the Young Academy (JA) and the Flemish Association of Students (VVS) who exchanged inter-university ideas for 2 years. This is how they came up with evidence-based policy recommendations and efficient SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Result-oriented and Time-oriented) initiatives that Flemish universities want to actively engage in.
Read more (in Dutch) about the results and the declaration of commitment to ethnic-cultural diversity and inclusion.
Follow the “Science is not black and white” campaign for more scientific insights (only available in Dutch).