Right To Say No Campaign

Local communities in the Global South are being destroyed at the hands of the Capitalist war machine to 'promote a healthy economy'... at the cost of these communities' way of life, health and future. This 1 hour film screened in English uncovers the true price of 'development' and 'progress' by international corporations.
This is a hot topic. Most people can agree that less fossil fuels burned to power our society, instead replaced by electrical power, is better for the environment. However, just as the massive oil companies did not ask the local communities nicely about taking their resources, neither did the mining companies searching for more lithium and other similar necessary materials.
The point should not be to only worry about energy but to also acknowledge and respect the concern for both those peoples whose land corporations are defiling and their land that is suffering as a direct consequence of 'business as usual'.
Join us as we partner with CATAPA at Film House Klappei Sunday 23/03 at 20h to learn more!
- WHAT: The Illusion of Abundance film screening in partnership with CATAPA
- WHEN: Sunday 23 March
- TIME: 20-21h
- WHERE: Film House Klappei; Klappeistraat 2, 2060 Antwerp
- PRICE: 5 Euros