Meet GreenOffice and Uantwerpen Climate team
Are you looking to gain a better understanding of what the purpose and general functioning of GreenOffice and the Climate team is or are you interested in joining the team? Join us on our information session
LIVE on CAMPUS on Monday 20 March from 1pm to 1.30pm at City campus building M (faculty of social science), room M004 (just before the open course on spacial policy and sustainability by prof. Tom Coppens in the same room)
ONLINE on Friday 24 March between 1pm and 1.30pm online and get all your questions answered!
What? Presentation about aim and functioning of the GreenOffice en het UAntwerp Climate Team, with plenty of time for questions or good ideas.
Waar? Online - Microsoft Teams-vergadering Click here to join the session
Vergadering-id: 380 185 434 062 Wachtwoordcode: rNdAis
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Taal? dutch and english