On Tuesday 28, Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 March 2023, four international researchers received an honorary degree for scientific merit and one laureate received an honorary degree for general merit.
Ms. Roshaneh Zafar

Honorary degree for General Merit
For her outstanding role as a development activist. Zafar was the first to set up a microfinance organisation in Pakistan. She is actively involved in the field of women’s economic empowerment. - Founder and Managing Director of Kashf Foundation
Nominator: Rector Herman Van Goethem
Professor Luca Bertolini

Honorary degree in Design Sciences
In recognition of his expertise in urban planning. He posits that urban development is concentrated around public transport hubs and provides policy recommendations. - University of Amsterdam
Nominator: Prof. Thomas Vanoutrive
Professor Shaker A. Zahra

Honorary degree in Business and Economics
In recognition of his expertise in entrepreneurship. He is a pioneer for his contributions to entrepreneurship research. - Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
Nominator: Prof. Ine Paeleman
Professor Luis M. Liz-Marzán

Honorary degree in Sciences
In recognition of his expertise in the synthesis, characterisation and application of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. - Centre for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials – CIC biomaGUNE and University of Vigo
Nominator: Prof. Sara Bals
Professor Daniel Lord Smail

Honorary degree in Arts
In recognition of his expertise in the history of the late medieval city in the relevance of medieval history today. - Harvard University
Laudation: Prof. Jeroen Puttevils