University of Antwerp is looking for student members for the YUFE Student Forum!

University of Antwerp is looking for students to join the YUFE Student Forum and bring their perspective in the implementation of the YUFE vision.
Diversity and inclusivity are at the core of the YUFE identity. We strongly encourage students with all backgrounds and identities to run for the Student Forum to truly foster an inclusive YUFE community.
What's does a Student Forum mandate entail?
The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) alliance is a partnership consisting of ten young research-intensive universities from as many European countries. The YUFE alliance, together with its associate partners from the private and NGO sector, aims at bringing radical change in European higher education by establishing itself as the leading model of a young, student-centred, non-elitist, open and inclusive European University. A unique ecosystem linking universities to communities, YUFE is based on cooperation between higher education institutions, the public and private sector, and citizens across Europe.
As an elected YUFE Student-member for UAntwerp, you will:
actively work with your fellow UAntwerp student-colleagues, the UAntwerp Student Council and your Institutional Coordination team to communicate relevant YUFE activities to UAntwerp students and gather their input to the wider YUFE Student Forum;
work with the representatives of all other YUFE partners as part of the YUFE Student Forum to ensure that the input of students is reflected in the further development of the alliance and its activities;
actively participate in one of the many YUFE working groups, for instance in ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity’ ‘Community & Civic Engagement,’ or the ‘Student Journey’, which will make the YUFE vision a reality.
An ideal candidate would be able to communicate in English, has good communication and organisation skills (or be motivated to improve these) and is open-minded. Moreover, you need to be able to dedicate sufficient time (up to 20 hours/month as an indication) and be willing to engage in occasional European travel. An open and inclusive mind and the ability to take initiative is key and you are motivated to make truly European Higher Education a reality. It is important to keep in mind that this is a voluntary opportunity, but that all expenses due to YUFE (e.g. travel costs) will be compensated by your university.
Want to know more?
Want to know more before running for the mandate?
- more information on the election procedure:;
- more information on YUFE and the Student Forum: on the YUFE website or by contacting our current Student Forum members:
Preparing for your application
You can submit your candidacy as of September 30th, until October 6th, 2024.
Prior to the election, your candidacy will be assessed to determine whether it can be accepted. As part of this process, you will also submit a letter of motivation as to why you want to run for this YUFE mandate.
To inspire you, here are some guiding questions on (some of) which you can base your motivation:
- How would you see your role as mediator between YUFE and UAntwerp students, what would that look like for you?
- For you, what is the added value of the YUFE alliance for students? And how can this be increased?
- YUFE comprises a range of European universities, including UAntwerpen, each with its own character. How would you translate this to the way you work with students and staff from all YUFE universities?
- How do you see your time-management to successfully execute this mandate?
I want to be a candidate!
(don't forget to include your motivation letter)