Social Sciences

Info for exchange students

Want to study one semester or a full year at the Faculty of Social Sciences? You're more than welcome! 

We have quite a number of international partners, most of them in Europe. Each year, we welcome around 80 international students from around the world. 

We offer quite a number of courses in English, and there is the Bachelor of Social-Economic Sciences and the Master of political science that are taught in English, and which you can enroll for as a degree student. 

For incoming students: please note that although we do offer courses in English, most of them are at master level. If you are an incoming bachelor exchange student, please make sure if it is OK for your university to have a more interdisciplinary course package in Antwerp, meaning a combination of bachelor courses of political science, communication science and sociology. 

General rules

Please note that as a rule, bachelor students take bachelor courses, and master students take master courses. As a bachelor student you can also take up master courses IF you get the permission of the responsible professor. You can choose freely amongst all our disciplines: communication studies, political science and sociology. If you take courses at other faculties,  please make sure you have the permission of the administration plus professor(s) of that faculty.

Exams are held on campus, from the (end of the) first week of January until the first week of February (if you are here in the first semester) and from end of May - end of June for the second semester. In case you fail an exam there is the possibility to retake the exam during the official retake exam period (end of August - half September) on campus. READ MORE

Within the Faculty of  Social Sciences, several persons are able to help you with any questions (academic) you’ll have. The coordinator is Piet De Vroede ; you can find him in office no. LN.55.013 (ground floor of the M building). Then we have Chris Verschooren and Micha Libert, who can assist you with all the administrative steps before, during and after your arrival. 

For questions related to courses, you can contact the departmental coordinators: 

Good luck / have a great time during your exchange period here in Antwerp!

For all practical info (housing, visa, ...) the colleagues of our central International Relations Office will assist you.