Institute of Development Policy

Contact and useful links


The IOB student office is in charge of communication with incoming students
Greet Annaert

Checklists before, during, after your studies

Preparing your stay…

  • Make sure you have adequate funding during the entire duration of your stay in Belgium. IOB does not provide scholarships, grants or allowances to students except for, in exceptional circumstances, a very limited amount of monthly support. This exceptional financial aid can never be a basis of income and cannot last more than 6 months.
  • Make sure you enter Belgium with a valid passport and a student visa (D-visa / long stay visa).
  • Make sure you arrange your accommodation.
  • If you plan to bring your family with you, make sure you make necessary preparations. You will need to get insurance for your family, appropriate housing, nursery/school, day care, etc. Keep in mind that you need to apply for day care almost one year beforehand as spaces are limited in Antwerp. Make sure you bring legalised photocopies of your marriage certificate and the birth certificate of your child(ren): these will be required for registration purposes.
  • Check your insurance status applicable during your journey. Consider taking an insurance which covers emergencies such as theft of luggage. VLIR-UOS scholars will be covered by an insurance concluded by IOB which also covers their journey to Belgium.
  • Book your travel ticket in time. If you are arriving during a weekend or outside office hours, you should book temporary accommodation.
  • Check bank transfer regulations between your country and Belgium if you are counting on money transfers from home. Make sure you have enough money available immediately to cover your first expenses.
  • If you are taking medicines, bring a letter of your treating doctor explaining your condition and the required medicines. If you need to travel with medicines; check regulations to import your medicines.
  • Make a checklist of required documents (see other chapters).
  • Throughout your preparation, stay in touch with the IOB student office.

Arriving in Antwerp

  • Beware of pickpockets upon arrival at the airport and on your way to Antwerp. Carry your international passport on your body.
  • From the Antwerp train station to IOB: download the itinerary here.
  • Present yourself at the IOB student office during office hours for registration purposes; do not forget to bring all required documents. At the same time, you will need to pay your registration fee. Be aware that we do not accept cash payments: the registration fee will need to be paid by bank transfer or deposit through the post office.
  • Once the registration process is finished, you will receive your student ID which enables you to make use of the University facilities.
  • Start your registration at the city hall once you have signed your rental agreement. Contact the IOB student office for the procedure. Do not present yourself at the city hall individually; the registration at the city hall runs through the IOB student office.
  • Open your bank account if applicable. Information can be obtained from the IOB student office.
  • Once you have applied for your Belgian residence permit (city hall registration); you need to start your registration at the health insurance fund. Pass by the IOB student office to finalise this process.

Leaving Antwerp

  • Contact your landlord in time to arrange the reimbursement of your deposit.
  • Inform the IOB student office of your address abroad
  • Make sure your library books are all returned.
  • Close your bank account.
  • De-register at the city hall or through the IOB student office!
  • Inform the health insurance fund well in advance that you are leaving Belgium.
  • Inform other contacts/institutions that you are leaving Belgium (for ex. terminate phone connection)

Useful contacts

STAN is a student information desk, meeting point, social venue and much more. You are always welcome there to find out more about Antwerp, about the city, culture, activities and more. Their information desk is open every day from 9.00 to 17.00. The Gate 15 Student Guide App is a must for every student in Antwerp! Free to download in all app stores.

The Erasmus Student Network is an organisation by students for students. Their main goal is getting you involved in the great mix of cultures, traditions and encounters that Erasmus stands for.

AIESEC is an international student organisation that offers international work placements and personal development opportunities.

Useful links