Social Sciences

Studying at our Faculty

Educational approach

The Faculty of Social Sciences offers four academic Bachelor programmes and ten Master programmes. Each programme actively aims to provide student-based and competence-driven education which is closely linked to the department's own leading (inter)national research in this discipline. There is also a focus on internationalisation throughout the faculty's activities.

Student-based and competence-driven education

In our programmes, we consider students to be active and independent partners who are in charge of their own learning processes. We aim to stimulate students' own sense of responsibility and active learning using a mix of educative and evaluative methods (debates, problem-driven education, group work, simulations and more). Our education is also competence-driven, meaning it is about more than just acquiring knowledge. Our students can also apply the knowledge and insights they have acquired to realistic contexts, and in doing so they learn to function effectively at an academic level in professional settings.   

The education-research combination

The premise of our academic education is that qualitative education is founded on scientific research. This allows students to acquire the scientific knowledge, attitudes and skills required to be able to take on their future roles in society. They not only explore recent and important research results in their field but also develop a series of skills themselves that will allow them to develop and conduct their own research both in collaboration (e.g. Research training, Seminars) and alone (e.g. Master dissertation).  


Our programmes also allow the necessary room for internationalisation, both abroad and at home. Students are encouraged to participate extensively in international exchange and partnership programmes (Erasmus, Erasmus Belgica, faculty and institutional agreements outside of Europe, summer schools and so on). In addition to this, they come in regular contact with international elements in our own programmes, for example through modules taught in another language, study materials in other languages and international (guest) lecturers. Consequently, our students learn to be open-minded and to have a global outlook, which also prepares them for participation in international scientific research.