Before arriving in Belgium, make sure you are well-informed about the requirements and procedures of the Belgian health insurance system. 

If you already have health insurance coverage in another European country prior to moving to Belgium, you can apply for a European Health Insurance Card. This will allow you to use it for the first few days or weeks of your stay, if necessary. 

Additionally, if you are employed and living in another European country, we recommend requesting an E104 document from your home country. This document outlines your insurance history in that country. If you start working in Belgium and don't yet meet all the eligibility criteria for certain benefits (such as maternity benefits or replacement income), the E104 document will help you rely on your previous periods of insurance in another European country. 

Upon arrival in Belgium, you must register with a Belgian health insurance provider. 

For more detailed information, please refer to the 'on arrival' section. 

Health insurance is a component of the social security system in Belgium. For a more detailed overview of how this system is organized, please refer to the ‘Social Security’ section under ‘During Your Stay.’