Vincent: "You get plenty of opportunities to follow training courses."

“The University of Antwerp's ICT Department is quite big, and employs over 70 people. Because of this, we can adopt a more specialised approach. I used to work as an IT professional for a small company and my job profile was quite general. At the university I can focus on systems management, which I prefer. Together with my other colleagues in the Systems service I am responsible for the hardware and monitoring of over 300 servers, but also for applications such as email, central data storage and database management."
“What I really like is that we always get to work with the newest materials and the most recent software. It helps you keep up with recent developments in your field. And that's important, because things change so quickly. You also get plenty of opportunities to follow training courses. Sometimes these courses are quite expensive. But as long as the training provides an added value to your job, that's never a problem.”
“The working hours here are quite flexible. I like to start early, while some of my colleagues prefer to start later. You are free to choose your own hours. We sometimes have to work in the evening or at the weekend if the system goes down or we need to do system-wide maintenance, but that doesn't happen very often. Of course you can make up these hours at a later date."