The University of Antwerp adheres to an HR policy which emphasises the competencies of its employees.

Investing in our employees' growth

In order to ensure that all of our employees are able to work effectively and develop their competencies, we begin to invest in their growth as soon as they start their careers. New employees take part in a welcome programme in order to learn more about the university. Goals are set for each employee in consultation with their superior. Regular feedback is given in relation to these goals.


Behavioural competencies

​Behavioural competencies play an important role in our HR policy. As a result, we have defined behavioural competencies which support the following strategic values: quality, integrity, creativity, a customer-oriented approach and a collaborative spirit. These values permeate all of our HR processes, including recruitment and selection, career guidance, evaluation, training and education.


Individual development and training

The University of Antwerp provides the necessary support for developing employees' individual qualities. We provide training and offer opportunities for employees to follow specific refresher courses that are related to their profession. We take both individual needs and the needs of our organisation into account when providing career guidance to our employees.


Corporate social responsibility

As a service provider, the University of Antwerp stimulates corporate social responsibility. We attach significant importance to sustainability and value this attitude in our employees. Equal opportunities and diversity are also important themes in our HR policy: boundaries for disadvantaged groups are removed wherever possible, differences are appreciated and valued.