Tips and links on searching

Unfortunately there are no international databases for law that contain all the important publications and documents. Most databases are limited to a specific country or theme. Therefor you will have to thoroughly consider which database(s) to consult. In the overview of databases you can find a list of all the databases available at the university. The most important ones are listed again on the webpage ‘Databases in detail’ with more detailed information on their content and use.

When searching for law literature, the Discovery Service doesn’t always provide a good solution because many law databases aren’t included. A search in the Discovery Service can certainly yield interesting information but will never provide a complete overview of existing literature. It will also not contain any legislation or jurisdiction. You will therefore often have to supplement the Discovery Service with a query in other databases.

When looking for a specific journal (article) or a book, you can best use the catalogue, which will guide you to the correct database or website.

Finally, when looking for a good textbook on a specific law specialty, the online guide for legal searches by the KULeuven,, can be of some help. You can look up the titles you find there in our catalogue to see whether we have a copy in the library.

Databases in detail

Source type
Full text?
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
exceptionally possible until the switch to SSO (which includes off campus access)
FT for Dutch publications of Kluwer
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
yes, but no printing and downloading off campus and some books are excluded from off campus access.
FT for legislation, jurisdiction and subscribed journals/books of Larcier, Bruylant and Intersentia (choose 'My subscriptions')
replaces Jurisquare
legislation, legal doctrine
FT for journals/books of Anthemis, Die Keure and some other smaller publishers
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
partially FT, partially abstracts
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
partially FT, partially abstracts
jurisdiction, legal doctrine
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
partially FT, partially abstracts
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
partially FT, partially abstracts
previously Kluwer Navigator
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
legislation, jurisdiction, legal doctrine
legislation, jurisdiction
legal doctrine
partially FT, partially abstracts

Publications by specialty

Below you can find links to different types of publications in our catalogue by law specialty. You can refine the results even further to a specific location, language, etc. with the Reduce button.

If you want to stay informed about new acquisitions within a certain specialty, you can use this form to set up an alert. Once the alert is active you can use filters to refine your profile via My Library.

Constitutional law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Criminal law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Civil law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Commercial law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Procedural law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Administrative law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Social law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

Tax law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)

International law

All publications

Online publications

Journals (both print and online)

Books and other publications (both print and online)