
Most books can be borrowed, unless indicated otherwise on the book itself.

In general, reference works (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, ...), journals, preciosa and archives can never be borrowed.

Number of volumes (*)
Loan period
University of Antwerp staff, doctorandi and emeriti
30 volumes
3 months
University of Antwerp Students
15 volumes
3 weeks
10 volumes
3 weeks

(*) The maximum number of volumes that can be borrowed includes the books from all of the campus libraries together.
The university library can recall any borrowed books before the end of the existing loan period.


You can extend the loan period for a book up to three times. Renewals must be made before the current loan period has expired.

It is not possible to renew a book once it is reserved by another user.

How to renew?

  • At the front desk
  • By telephone
  • Online via My Library

Late returns

You will receive a reminder email three days before the expiry of the loan period.

As soon as the loan period has expired, you can no longer use the services of the library. You can no longer borrow, request new works or reserve a workplace through Take a Seat.

As soon as the works are returned, you can use our services again.

If the works have not been returned after 31 days, you will be asked to reimburse them. An administrative fee will be charged.

Please contact the helpdesk or the front desk if a book is lost or damaged.