As of 1991 the university library produces and maintains an Academic Bibliography for the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp). This database gives an overview of the scientific publications of the UAntwerp researchers.
The Institutional Repository of the University of Antwerp (IRUA) is the search platform that makes the publications of the Academic Bibliography retrievable by author, faculty, research group and project.
The main goals of the Academic Bibliography are:
- making (a survey of) the publications by researchers visible online
- supporting evaluations and policy in general
- feeding external databases (e.g. VABB-SHW)
This underlines the importance of a correct and complete input of all publications by every researcher. Publications indexed by Web of Science are automatically included; other publications that qualify for recording have to be reported according to the procedure as described below.
Add a publication, dataset or non-written output item
Publications, datasets and non-written output can be added to the Academic Bibliography via → My Bibliography
Choose the appropriate publication type. If available start the submission by filling out a DOI number or Pubmed ID.
Be sure to go through the entire wizard by pushing the button 'submit' in the last screen. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from the helpdesk.
An overview of your pending publication is available via → My Bibliography
Uploading larger files can take a while. A file is uploaded correctly from the moment that a link to the file appears.
Would you like to add research output published before your appointment at UAntwerp, please contact
Export a publication list
There are several ways to export a publication list:
You can request a PDF overview of all your publications in Peoplesoft via the e-curriculum. Manual (Dutch version)
The following formats are supported:
Conditions for registration in the academic bibliography
Not all publications will be registered in the Academic Bibliography. Only publications of types approved by the Commission Academic Bibliography will be registered. When in doubt, the table below shows a number of examples.
Publication | Registration in Academic Bibliography |
Regular editorials in scientific journals: foreword editor, preface, postface, etc. | No |
Editorial scientific journal | Yes, in so far as it has any content contribution, in particular editorials of special issues of journals, or editorials who discuss a specific scientific topic. |
Foreword, preface, postface in books edited by the author himself. | No |
Interviews with newspapers and magazines | No |
Interviews in academic journals | Yes. Classified as editorial material |
Article published in a book and identical in a journal | Store both |
Book as editor and article in that book | Store both |
Article/paper in proceedings | If a paper isn’t published as an article in a journal or as a chapter of a book, it can be stored as a conference proceeding. Such a submission request must always be substantiated by attaching a full-text version. |
Abstracts | No |
Electronic publication on a website | Yes, but only after checking if it’s available and accessible. |
Preprints | Yes |
(Interim) reports of research projects | Yes, but no administrative project reports and software |
Publications after emeritus status | Yes |
Teaching material (e.g. slides, unpublished syllabus) | No |
Doctoral dissertation and publication in book format | Store both |
Article accepted by the journal, but not yet published. Journal article in press. | No. Yet, from the moment a DOI is assigned to an article, it is published electronically and can, provided that the DOI is mentioned, be stored in the Academic Bibliography. |
Publications, appearing after leaving the university, and not bearing the address of the University of Antwerp. | No |
Publications written before entrance into office at the University of Antwerp | Yes |
Posters of congresses | No |
Book reviews | Yes |
Newspaper articles (Columns and [public opinion] contributions in newspapers, blogs and magazines) | Yes |
Syllabus | No, unless a commercial or scientific publisher is mentioned explicitly (not: on your own account) |
Issue of a journal or series, as editor | No. Unless it’s a theme/special issue in a journal. |
Books published in a series of which the author only acts as series editor | No |
Research proposals | No |
Software | Can be submitted as non-written output |
Presentations? | No |
Publication types
Below are the categories as established by the Commission Academic Bibliography.
Category | Code | Explanation | ||||||
Articles in scientific journals | A1 | Article in a widely spread scientific journal with peer review. A1 is determined on the basis of reference lists, especially the list of journals indexed in the Web of Science (SCIE, SSCI and/or AHCI) and the list of journals accepted by the Authorized Panel in VABB-SHW. A1 can be translated as 'articles in journals qualified for interuniversity resource allocation'. | ||||||
A2 | Article in a scientific journal not covered sub A1 and classified by the VABB 'Authorized Panel' as a non-peer-reviewed journal. A2 can be translated as 'articles in journals not qualified for interuniversity resource allocation. | |||||||
A3 | Article in a scientific journal that couldn't be identified automatically as peer-reviewed. These articles will be classified as A1 or A2 as soon as possible. Full bibliographic description, including issn is a necessary condition for an article to receive an A1 classfication. | |||||||
Doctoral dissertations | D | Doctoral dissertation or Teaching Certificate Higher Education | ||||||
Editorials | E | Editorial in a scientific journal as far as it concerns an intrinsic contribution, particularly editorials of special issues of journals or editorials concerning a scientific subject. Are excluded: regular editorials such as table of contents and foreword by the editor of the journal. | ||||||
Chapters in books | H1 | Chapter in a book published by a publisher appearing on the list of the Authorized Panel and as such contributes to the research funding of the institution. | ||||||
H2 | Chapter in a book not covered sub H1. Are excluded: forewords, prefaces and postfaces in books edited by the author himself. | |||||||
H3 | Chapter in a book that at the moment of registration in the academic bibliography and based on the list of the 'Gezaghebbend Panel' of VABB-SHW couldn't be identified as peer reviewed. These chapters will be classified as H1 as soon as possible. | |||||||
Newspaper/Blog/Magazine article | K | Columns and (public opinion) contributions in newspaper, blogs and magazines. Are excluded: interviews with newspapers and magazines. | ||||||
Letters to the editor | L1 | Letter to the editor published in a widely spread scientific journal with peer review (cf. A1). | ||||||
L2 | Letter to the editor not covered sub L1. | |||||||
L3 | Letter to the editor that couldn't be identified automatically as peer-reviewed. These articles will be classified as L1 or L2 as soon as possible. Full bibliographic description, including issn is a necessary condition for an article to receive an L1 classfication. | |||||||
Books | MA1 | Monograph as author or co-author published by a publisher accepted by the Authorized Panel for VABB-SHW. | ||||||
MA2 | Monograph as author or co-author not covered sub MA1, as far as the book disposes of a place of publication, a commercial or scientific publisher and an ISBN. | |||||||
MA3 | Monograph as author or co-author that at the moment of registration in the academic bibliography and based on the list of the 'Gezaghebbend Panel' of VABB-SHW couldn't be identified as peer reviewed. These monographs will be classified as MA1 as soon as possible. | |||||||
ME1 | Collection as editor or co-editor published by a publisher accepted by the Authorized Panel for VABB-SHW. Are excluded: books published in a series of which the author only acts as series editor of the series in which the book appears. | |||||||
ME2 | Collection as editor or co-editor not covered sub ME1, as far as the book disposes of a place of publication, a commercial or scientific publisher and an ISBN. Are excluded: books published in a series of which the author only acts as series editor of the series in which the book appears. | |||||||
ME3 | Collection as editor or co-editor that at the moment of registration in the academic bibliography and based on the list of the 'Gezaghebbend Panel' of VABB-SHW couldn't be identified as peer reviewed. These collections will be classified as ME1 as soon as possible. | |||||||
Notes | N1 | Note to a judicial decision published in a widely spread scientific journal with peer review (cf. A1). | ||||||
N2 | Note to a judicial decision not covered sub N1. | |||||||
N3 | Notes that at the moment of registration in the academic bibliography couldn't identified as peer-reviewed. These articles will be classified as N1 or N2 as soon as possible. Full bibliographic description, including issn is a necessary condition for an article to receive an N1 classfication. | |||||||
Datasets | Metadata of Research Data Sets and if applicable link to related publications and projects. The datasets could be stored on internal or external file servers. | |||||||
Patents | O | Patent with UA-mention that is published or granted and as such contributes to the research funding of the institution | ||||||
Preprints | A manuscript (before peer-review) that is submitted for publication in an academic journal or a manuscript (before peer-review) that is posted to a preprint server (arxiv, biorxiv, ...) | |||||||
Conference proceedings | P1 | Contribution in a conference proceeding qualified for the interuniversity research allocation, especially when recorded in a Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index or (will be) included in the VABB-SHW based on ISBN or ISSN in accordance with the decisions of the Authoritative Panel. | ||||||
P2 | A contribution in a proceeding (conference report) not included under P1, but included in a proceeding that has an ISBN/ISSN. | |||||||
P3 | A contribution in a proceeding which cannot yet be assigned to P1 or P2. Are excluded: Not or merely as abstract published contributions to congresses or seminars. | |||||||
Book reviews | R | Review of a book published in a scientific journal with peer review. Are excluded: reviews in newspapers and magazines as described sub K. | ||||||
Minutes and reports | V | Are excluded: abstracts, administrative project coverage, research proposals, posters, teaching material (e.g. slides, unpublished syllabus) and software | ||||||
Non-written output |