You can apply for a study allowance from the Flemish Government. Read the requirements carefully. Depending on whether you meet the requirements for a study allowance from the Flemish Government, you can get extra financial support:
Study allowance from the Flemish Government
Who can apply?
You must fulfill nationality conditions, conditions of study and financial conditions in order to receive a study allowance from the Flemish Government. There is no age criterium.
If you meet all the requirements, you receive a study allowance from the Flemish Government. In that case, you are also eligible for a reduction of the tuition fee.
If you are temporarily staying in Belgium because of your studies, the nationality conditions will be an obstacle and you will not be eligible to request a study allawonce from the Flemish Government. If you do not meet the requirements, you will have to fund your studies yourself and (if possible) apply for financial assistance and/or study aid in your home country.
How to apply for the first time?
Students enrolling in Higher Education for the first time (generation students) have not yet earned any study credits. When they begin their studies, they receive a starting credit of 60 study credits and a bonus credit. The bonus credit is a bonus (reserve) of 60 study credits.
The study credits they subsequently earn will be deducted from the starting credit. Eligibility for a study allowance will depend on the number of study credits earned. Study credits earned are those study credits associated with programme components you have passed. Any study credits allocated for courses which you actually failed (gedelibereerde studiepunten) will not be taken into account. As you earn study credits, you build up your own credit: study allowance credit.
The balance of your study allowance credit (and the starting credit) can be transferred. For example, if you have earned 60 study credits but enrol on a course worth only 40 study credits, then you will receive a study allowance for 40 study credits and the remaining balance of 20 study credits can be used at a later date.
The bonus credit will be used automatically (no option) if you have enrolled for a course worth more study credits than what you earned during the previous academic year. The balance of your bonus credit can also be transferred.
The right to a study allowance is not related to individual programmes. If you switch programmes then this will not automatically be considered a study delay. In the past you were required to use your entire bonus credit if you switched courses. This was the case even in instances where study progress was demonstrated. Since academic year 08-09, you are no longer required to use your (full) bonus credit if you earned sufficient study credits during the previous academic year.
The number of credits you can earn is capped. This means that the number of study credits you can earn in order to obtain a degree is limited to 240 study credits for the first Bachelor degree and 420 study credits for the second Bachelor degree. For a Master degree, the cap is equal to the total number of study credits required for the Master programme you choose + 30.
The final assessment of your right to a study allowance takes place on 30 June of the academic year. If it transpires that you stopped your studies during the academic year or made a change to your programme then you will be required to repay the study allowance you received (in part).
The date on which your enrolment was cancelled or amended plays an important role here. You can choose to change programmes during the academic year (reorientation). If the number of study credits is the same, then you will not have to repay your scholarship. If the number of study credits required is lower, then you will have to repay part of your scholarship. Here, too, the date of reorientation is taken into account. Request more information from the Office for Student Affairs or read more about this under 'Changing or stopping your course'.
How and when to apply?
You apply online for a study allowance. More information.
We recommend that you apply for your study allowance on time. This means that the application should be submitted during the first months of the academic year. Submitting your application after this date may have consequences for your tuition fee.
What is the amount?
The amount varies and depends on the family income. More information.
If you are married or have been financially independent for some time then you may consider submitting an application based on your own income and/or that of your partner. Certain restrictions apply, however.
Do you meet the requirements?
An advance payment of your study allowance from the Flemish Government
The Social Service can grant you an advance payment of your study allowance from the Flemish Government for the current academic year, which can amount to 50% of the granted study allowance. Applications for this advance payment of the study allowance for the academic year 2024-2025 can be submitted to the Social Service from September 1st 2024 until June 1st 2025.
Payment of the advance is made after the application for the study allowance is submitted to the Flemish government.
To be eligible, your 2024-2025 study programme needs to be visible in SisA. Students participating in the August/September session wait with the application until after the proclamation.
Reduced tuition fees
You automatically pay reduced tuition fees (scholarship rate) Keep in mind that your tuition fee will be recalculated to the scholarship rate only after the scholarship grant is awarded.
Social allowance (sociale toelage)
Under certain conditions, you may be eligible for a Social Allowance from Social Service. Each application requires a thorough social and financial examination, the details of which are kept confidential. The allowance depends on your financial situation, number of credits taken, study history and progress, ...
More information can be found on the Student Portal.
You do not meet the requirements?
When applying for a student visa type D or a residence permit, students need to prove that they have sufficient financial means to cover their living expenses and healthcare. More information.
Be aware that if you request aid from the Belgian Government (Public Social Welfare Centre or OCMW) then your right to reside may be terminated. As a citizen of the Union you may also lose your right to reside if you are a student and you request welfare assistance. The Immigration Service will first review all the elements of your case such as the potentially temporary nature of your problem, the duration of your residence, your personal situation, the amount of welfare support granted, ... More information.
Reduced tuition fee
You do not receive a study allowance because of teaching conditions?
If you are not entitled to a study allowance then in some cases you may be eligible for reduced tuition fees. You need to submit an application to the Social service, who will examine your case to determine whether you are eligible for reduced tuition fees.
You do not receive a study allowance because your income is too high?
You may qualify for reduced tuition fees (near scholarship rate) if the difference between the reference income for calculating the tuition fee and the maximum limit for your living unit (family) does not exceed 3.900 EUR (amount 2024-2025). The Study Grants Department will inform the educational institution of your status as a near scholarship student. So be sure to apply for a study allowance.
You do not receive a study allowance because of cadastral income?
You may be eligible for reduced tuition fees (near scholarship rate) if the maximum limit for calculating your study allowance is exceeded by a maximum of 3.900 EUR (amount 2024-2025). The Department of Study Grants from the Flemish Government does not always notify the educational institution of a negative KI test. So after the study allowance denial, submit your own application to the Social Service Department for reduced tuition fees.
Tuition fee reduction with academic excellence
The University of Antwerp also offers tuition fee reductions to international students with demonstrated academic excellence. This reduction is applicable to specific masters and is offered by the programme's Admission Boards after screening based on predefined criteria.
Paying your tuition fee in instalments
Students who receive a study allowance from the Flemish Government, tuition fee reduction or do not fulfil the conditions below cannot request a payment plan.
If you cannot pay the full tuition fee at the start of the academic year, you can submit a request for a payment plan in the international helpdesk after 1 August and before 15 November by submitting a ticket. Provide your UAntwerp-email address and correct student number in the appropriate fields. If you fulfil the conditions, a payment plan will then be drawn up in SisA, enabling you to pay your tuition fee over several months (in instalments of 1000, 2000 or 400 euro, depending on your total tuition fee). The payment plan can only be requested if the conditions are fulfilled before the deadline of the application period for the payment plan!
You are eligible for a payment plan in academic year 2025-2026 if all conditions below are met:
- you are already enrolled,
- you study under a degree diploma contract for at least 54 study credits (non-EER nationals) or 40 study credits (EER nationals or long term Belgian residence permit-holders), as visible in SisA,
- you own a tuition fee with a variable amount of,
- non-EER nationals:
- in the case of a bachelor, at least 45 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 1000 EUR of your tuition fee
- in the case of a master, at least 90 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 2000 EUR of your tuition fee,
- EER nationals or long term Belgian residence permit-holders:
- 14.3 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 400 EUR of your tuition fee
- 14.3 EUR per credit and having already paid minimum 400 EUR of your tuition fee
- non-EER nationals:
- your first payment of 1000, 2000 or 400 EUR is already visible in your SisA selfservice.