Student associations

All work and no play? To make sure you definitely get the most out of your student life, several student associations and organizations are there for you. If you are looking for some distraction besides your studies, they definitely have something for you!! The range is wide so choose the association that suits you best and join one of the student associations at University of Antwerp.

Student associations are a fun way to meet new people or make a commitment in your free time. Below we provide an overview of all recognized student associations at UAntwerpen.
Are you a first-year student and curious about all that student life has to offer? Then come have a taste of the extensive association life at UAntwerpen during the UstArt Verkenningsdagen!

student associations linked to a faculty, department or program

IMBIT - Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica

Socio-economica - Sociaal-Economische Wetenschappen

Wikings-NSK - Faculteitsclub Bedrijfswetenschappen en Economie

Biomedica - Biomedische wetenschappen

Diefka – Diergeneeskunde

K.D.A. - Chemie en biochemie

UFKA - Farmaceutische wetenschappen

Aescualapia – Geneeskunde

Chimes Antwerpen  - studenten met een interesse voor chirurgie een verdiepend inzicht te bieden

EMSA - European Medical Students' Association Antwerpen vzw

Kinesia - Revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie

Klio – Geschiedenis

Lingua - Taal- en letterkunde & Wijbegeerte

Translatio- Toegepaste Taalkunde

Modulor - Ontwerpwetenschappen

ELSA - European Law Students Association (Rechten)

Sofia - Rechten

PSW - Politieke en sociale wetenschappen

Socio-economica - Sociaal-Economische Wetenschappen

Ingenium - Toegepaste Ingenieurswetenschappen

Demetris – Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

Fabiant – Biologie

K.D.A. - Chemie en biochemie

WINAK - Wiskunde, Informatica en Fysica



thematic student associations

cultural associations

sports associations

student umbrella organizations

Our student umbrella organizations, Unifac (for the City Campus) and ASK-Stuwer - temporarily on hold - (for Campus Drie Eiken, Groenenborger and Middelheim) coordinate the cooperation between the various student associations, inform students about the ins and outs of the campus and organize numerous activities such as welcoming activities for first-time students, cantuses, parties, quizzes, culture week Calamartes, gala balls, cocktail parties, a go-cart race and much more!

Moreover, together with the Student Council, the student umbrellas ensure that the student associations are represented in various bodies at the university and the City of Antwerp.

The above bodies are united in the Algemene StudentenVergadering (ASV) General Student Assembly:

The purpose of the Algemene StudentenVergadering is to coordinate all student matters and to achieve good cooperation between the Student Council, A.S.K.-Stuwer and Unifac. It is an assembly of students responsible for the consultation on the facilitation of student life at the University of Antwerp and the coordination of the recognized student associations and as such is entitled to various facilities and administrative support from the university.

There are many other societies active in our student city. You can find the other Antwerp student societies on the STAN (Student & Antwerp) website.


AlgemeneStudentenVergadering (ASV)