After your enrolment at UAntwerp, we will send you a unique student number and a username (login) for your student account via e-mail. Your student account becomes active 24 hours after your enrolment. To access your student account, you will receive instructions on how to create your password. Find out how to log in with your student account for the first time.
Your student account gives you access to the following facilities:
- SisA self-service: all information on your study programme, personal details and tuition fees can be found here.
- Student portal and Blackboard learning environment: the student portal is the central place for information about your studies and student life on campus. In the Blackboard learning environment, you will find all digital study materials such as presentations, videos, online exercises and much more.
- Your student mailbox: As a student, you will receive a UAntwerp e-mail address ( Any important information you must know will always be sent to you via this e-mail address. Therefore, check your UAntwerp mailbox regularly.
Read more about your student account, student card, study certificates.
Overview online tools UAntwerp
At the University of Antwerp, there are 3 major online platforms. These platforms will keep you up-to-date on all important information about your studies and life at our university.