Archives and Heritage

Integrated approach to Archives and Heritage

The University Archives and the Special Collections take care of the rich and versatile heritage collections of the University. Working closely together, they are committed to sharing their expertise.

Mission & Target Group

In attending to the heritage we have to fulfill these five primordial tasks: we put a lot of effort into acquiring, safekeeping, describing and valorising our collections, and making them available to the public. It is our mission to develop and nurture the 'Memory of the University of Antwerp' - a job far from being completed. While doing this, we always keep in mind our primary target group: the whole university community.

We are constantly aiming to make our collections accessible and at the same time to provide them with the right context. We also facilitate research and, concerning the academic heritage and the archives, we are always on the lookout for collecting more material.

Find out more about our four teams or don't hesitate to contact us with your questions. If you are curious about how things work behind the scenes, be sure to follow us on Instagram.