Registrations are closed.
You can find the final programmes below.
Preconference Wednesday 4 May 2022 at CINEMATEK
14.00-15.20 Section 1
14.00 - 14.10 | Prof. Dominique Nasta (ULB) - Introduction (ENG) |
14.10 - 14.40 | Prof. Valentine Robert (UNILausanne) - Passions in Projection, Passions by Projection (ENG) |
14.40 - 15.00 | Prof. Em. Germain Lacasse (Université de Montréal) - Didactic Emotions: Pathos and Hyperbole in Catholic Illustrated Lectures in Québec (ENG) |
15.00 - 15.20 | Q&A |
15.20 - 15.50 Coffee break
15.50 - 17.20 Section 2
15.50 - 16.10 | Prof. Giusy Pisano (Ecole nationale superieure Louis-Lumiere) - Reproduire les mouvements de l’âme (FR) |
16.10 - 16.30 | Dr. Céline Ruivo (UCL) - The simulacrum of color in luminous projections or the representation of the “picturesque” in color (ENG) |
16.30 - 16.50 | Prof. André Gaudreault (Université de Montréal) - Reconstitution historique, mon beau souci… (FR) |
16.50 - 17.10 | Q&A |
17.10 - 17.20 |
18.30 - 20.00 Dinner
20.30 - 21.45 Evening spectacle at the Royal Belgian Film Archive
An extraordinary magic lantern and early film reconstitution conceived by André Gaudreault, after an original idea of Dominique Nasta and Bart Moens. With André Gaudreault in the role of Georges Gauvreau and Germain Lacasse in the role of Viscount Henry de Grandsaignes d’Hauterives. Text: Germain Lacasse, in collaboration with André Gaudreault. Projectionist: Anne Gourdet-Marès, sound artist: Caroline Le Forestier, piano: Philippe Marion, direction: Céline Ruivo, assisted by Thomas Rapenne, overall coordination: Bart Moens, assisted by Robin Cauche, Marie-Ève Hamel, and Adeline Werry.
In collaboration with the Centre de recherche en Cinéma et Arts du Spectacle (CiASP ULB), the Canada Research Chair in Cinema and Media Studies (Université de Montréal) and the Pôle de recherche en communication (UCL).
Please note that this preconference will be conducted in both English and French.

B-magic Conference Thursday 5 May 2022 at FOMU
9.00-9.30 Registration
9.30-9.45 Opening by Kurt Vanhoutte, spokesperson for B-magic and welcome by Maartje Stubbe, FOMU director
9.45-11.00 PANEL 1 – Intermedial Aspects of Lantern Practice (chair: Frank Kessler)
- Ivo Blom – The Rome of Gerome
- Artemis Willis – Lanternology
- Massimiliano Gaudiosi – Virtual Tours of Pompeii in Magic Lantern Show
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.15 Gabriela Cruz – Magic lantern: seeing far, seeing self and other delights in Méliès’s Lanterne Magique, Hoffmann’s Rat Krespel and Offenbach’s Tales of Hoffmann (chair: Leen Engelen)
12:15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-13.45 Lantern presentation by Erkki Huhtamo – 'Professor Huhlabaloo Presents a Century That Slept': Exclusive World Premiere Sneak Preview
13.45-15.00 PANEL 2 – The Dark Side of the Lantern (chair: Céline Ruivo)
- Martyn Jolly – Professor Pepper in ‘The Land of Bush Fires’
- Hayley Bradley and Janice Norwood – Deathly Spectatorship and the Magic Lantern
15.00-15.30 Break
15.30-17.45 B-magic Carrousel: All B-magic team members present their research
17.45-18.15 Launch ‘Media Performance Histories’ Book Series and first volumes on the magic lantern, edited by B-magic members
Followed by a warm welcome to the Kaiser-Panorama at FOMU by Leen Engelen
18.15-19.00 Drinks reception parallel with possibility of Kaiser-Panorama visit
19.00-20.00 Avant Premiere Vue Brisée by filmmaker Hannes Verhoustraete with intro and Q&A by Edwin Carels
B-magic Conference Friday 6 May 2022 at FOMU and Bernaerts Auctioneers
9.30-9.45 Opening by Ilja Van Damme, Centre for Urban History
9.45-11.00 PANEL 3: The Lantern on Tour (chair: Charlotte Bigg)
- John Plunkett – Local/National: Benjamin Malden and the Rise of the Touring Lantern Lecturer
- Ludwig Vogl-Bienek and Yvonne Zimmermann – Paul and Minna Hoffmann’s Grosse Vorstellungen (Great Shows): Performative Configurations of the Art of Projection for Entertainment and the Popular Transfer of Knowledge
- Daniel Pitarch Fernández – Following Míster Laschott and Others. International Touring Magic Lantern Shows in Spain from 1840 to 1860
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.30 PANEL 4: National and Imperial Narratives (chair: Karel Vanhaesebrouck)
- Amandine D’Azevedo – Indian Magic Lantern, from Mythology to Dance and Parade!
- Gréine Jordan and Amelia King – Visualising Christian Brotherhood across Continents: The Magic Lantern Shows of the London and Baptist Missionary Societies
12.30-13.30 Lunch + possibility of Kaiser-Panorama visit
13.30-15.00 PANEL 5 – Spectacle and Special Effects (chair: Nele Wynants)
- Caroline Fournier and Céline Ruivo – Projection of Chromolithography: From Slides to Film
- Eloïse Galliard – Magic lanterns, magic effects. The Special Effects Magic Lantern Plates from the Morieux Collection Preserved at the Musée des Arts Forains
- Suzanne Wray – R. Winter’s UNRIVALLED EXHIBITION of Chemical Dioramas, Dissolving Views & Chromatrope Views, &c., &c.
15.00-15.30 Lantern Presentation by Bernd Scholze – Dissolving view showmen. From a presenter of slides to a lecturer of popular sciences.
15.30-16.00 Break + possibility of Kaiser-Panorama visit
16.00-17.30 PANEL 6 – Mapping the Archive (chairs: Evelien Jonckheere and Sabine Lenk)
- Evelien Jonckheere and Sabine Lenk – B-magic digitization
- Brecht Declercq – Digitization project at meemoo, Institute for Flemish Archives
- Cor Vanistendael – Erfgoed Noorderkempen
- Richard Crangle – Lucerna, online lantern slide database
- Ângela Santos and Márcia Vilarigues – Preventive Conservation Challenges of Hand- Painted Magic Lantern Glass Slides
18.30-22.00 Recreational & artistic evening at Bernaerts Auctioneers
18.30-19.30 A special magic lantern spectacle with live musical accompaniment
La Voix des Clochers: Grand shadow pieces in 15 tableaux by Maison de la Bonne Presse (1911)
Compositions of Honoré Le Sablais (1870-1848)
Decors and artwork by Barozzio (probably 1862-1939)
Music by Estéban Martí (1867-1925)
Projection by Ditmar Bollaert and Els Prevenier
Slide collection: Ditmar Bollaert and Annet Duller
Vocals by soprano: Pauline Lebbe, mezzo-soprano: Aveline Monnoyer, tenor: Andrew Glover, baritone: Tom Van Bogaert
Piano by Gabriel Hollander
Quo Vadis, Domine? Sacred drama in 14 tableaux. Grand shadow pieces by Maison de la Bonne Presse (1909)
Poem and artwork by Amédée Vignola (1862-1939)
Music by André Colomb (1865-1940)
Projection by Ditmar Bollaert and Els Prevenier
Slide collection: Ditmar Bollaert
Vocals by baritone: Tom Van Bogaert
Piano by Gabriel Hollander
19.30-21.00 Conference dinner for all attendees
21.00-22.00 11 Seconds: Performance by Charlotte Bouckaert
Production: Toneelhuis, Charlotte Bouckaert, Platform 0090
B-magic Conference Saturday 7 May 2022 at FOMU
10.00-10.45 Erkki Huhtamo: ‘Daddy of Them All’. A Lanternist’s Career According to his Unpublished Memoirs (chair: Kurt Vanhoutte)
10.45-11.00 Break
11.00-11.45 PANEL 7 – Contemporary Appropriations of the Lantern
- Karin Bienek and Ludwig Vogl-Bienek – Phantoms of Knowledge. Media-archaeological Experiments Using Improved Phantasmagoria Lanterns and a Transparent Screen
- Deirdre Feeney – Object-Image Artworks Based on Optical Premise of Magic Lantern
11.45-12.30 Future Projects
- Kurt Vanhoutte, Eleonora Paklons, and Thomas Smits – GOA Project ‘Understanding ideological bias through data-driven methods: Testing cognitive social learning processes through intersectional analysis of past data (c.1800-c.1940)’
- Nele Wynants and Eva Andersen – 'Science at the Fair: Performing Knowledge and Technology in Western Europe, 1850-1914’ (
- Evelien Jonckheere – 'Physiognomic Culture in Popular Performance: On the use of stereo-’types’ in fin-de-siècle Brussels’
- Natalija Majsova – 'Series of SRA (Slovenian research agency) projects on the sociopolitical impact of popular culture from a synchronic and diachronic perspective'
12:30-14.00 Lunch and Poster session Future Projects
12.30-15.00 Media Archaeology Market and Book Fair
- Opportunity to sell and acquire slides, lanterns, old and new books on media archaeological subjects and other media artifacts
- Interested sellers can contact Nele Wynants before 3 May for more details
TIP: Visit the FOMU exhibition Santa Barbara by Diana Markosian (Moscow, 1989) or Wish I Were Here by photographer Bertien van Manen (NL, 1942)
TIP: Diederik Peeters / Spin & L’Amicale’s performance Apparitions at Voo?uit (Ghent) from 20.00-21.00
A contemporary interpretation of the Pepper’s Ghost

9 Rue Baron Horta, | Waalsekaai 47, 2000 Antwerp On Google Maps | Verlatstraat 20, 2000 Antwerp On Google Maps |
To arrive at the preconference on time from Antwerp-Central, you can take the 12.54 IC 2034 to Charleroi-Sud on platform 23, which arrives in Brussels-Central at 13.36 (the next train arrives at 13.58). For updated information, visit the NMBS/SNCB website or use the app. To coordinate with your tram or bus, use the DeLijn website or app.