Date: 5 May 2022, 18.00-19.00 and 6 May 2022, 12.30-13.30 + 15.30-16.00
Location: FOMU Antwerp, Waalsekaai 47, 2000 Antwerp
The ‘Kaiser-Panorama’ is one of the most remarkable items of the FOMU collection. It is a unique ‘viewing machine’ offering thematic series of stereo views to 25 viewers simultaneously. In the last decades of the 19th century, Kaiser-Panoramas could be found in cities throughout Europe. The Kaiser-Panorama in the FOMU collection was constructed in Antwerp in 1905 and was originally commissioned to promote the Zoo at the World Exhibition in Liège. It shows original views of the Antwerp Zoo made by the photography pioneer Joseph Maes. Only a handful Kaiser-Panoramas have been preserved worldwide. This is a unique opportunity to see a Kaiser-Panorama in motion and experience the pleasures and educational values it has to offer.
B-magic researcher Leen Engelen conducted extensive research on this panorama in cooperation with the FOMU staff. On the occasion of the B-magic conference, the panorama will be temporarily reconstructed and open for visitors.