Buelens-Terryn, Margo, ‘Taking the University to the People. The Role of Lantern Lectures in Extramural Adult Education in Early Twentieth-Century Brussels and Antwerp’, in Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990, ed. by Nelleke Teughels and Kaat Wils, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Buelens-Terryn, Margo , 'The Practices of Lantern Lectures, They Are a-Changin’. Cultural policies and changing lanternscapes in German-occupied Antwerp and Brussels during the Great War', Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis, forthcoming 2023
Buelens-Terryn, Margo, and Eleonora Paklons, 'Met de kindertrein naar België. Sociaal-geëngageerde lantaarnlezingen van Floris Prims over de Belgisch-Hongaarse kinderactie (1924-1927)', De Moderne Tijd, 3/4 (2022).
Buelens-Terryn, Margo, Iason Jongepier and Ilja Van Damme, ‘Shine a Light. Catholic Media Use, Transformations in the Public Sphere, and the Voice of the Urban Masses (Antwerp and Brussels, c. 1880 – c. 1920)’, in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 101-22
Egelmeers, Wouter, '"Deep and lasting traces". How and why Belgian teachers integrated the optical lantern in their teaching (1895-1940)', in Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990, ed. by Nelleke Teughels and Kaat Wils (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Egelmeers, Wouter, 'Making Pupils See: The Use of Optical Lantern Slides in Catholic Geography Teaching in Belgium', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 83-98
Fevry, Sébastien, ‘Fondre les vues avec la double lanterne. Contribution à une archéologie médiatique des narrations’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13502
Fevry, Sébastien, Anne Gourdet-Marès, Philippe Marion, and Adeline Werry, ‘Le spectacle de lanterne magique comme performance lumineuse. Retour d'expérience auprès d'une lanterniste’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13697
Fevry, Sébastien, Philippe Marion, and Adeline Werry, ‘Avant-propos’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13652
Fevry, Sébastien, and Philippe Marion, ‘Récit et projection lumineuse. Regard épistémologique sur la narrativité de la lanterne’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13397
Jonckheere, Evelien, '"Hidden Lanterns" in fin-de-siècle France and Belgium: (Dis)Belief in Spiritualist Apparitions at the Fairground, Music-hall and Artistic Cabaret', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 225-40
Jonckheere, Evelien, 'Lantern lectures at the Vlaamsche Kring in Mortsel: activism, avant-garde and commerce in occupied Flanders', BTNG, forthcoming 2022
Jonckheere, Evelien, 'Van lichtbeelden tot kleurorgel: Het Prometheusproject van Jean Delville (1904-1911)', Moderne Tijd, 2-3 (forthcoming 2022)
Jonckheere, Evelien, and Klaas de Zwaan, 'Een sociaal medium avant-la-lettre? De studie naar de projectielantaarn in de Lage Landen in historisch perspectief', Moderne Tijd, 2-3 (forthcoming 2022)
Jongepier, Iason, Margo Buelens-Terryn, Kristof Loockx, Eleonora Paklons, and Ilja Van Damme, 'Verlichte ruimte. Het gebruik van de projectielantaarn in het Antwerpse publieke lezingcircuit (circa 1900- 1920) aan de hand van GIS, historisch kaartmateriaal en geschreven bronnen', Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis / Revue belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, 99.3-4 (2021)
Kessler, Frank, and Sabine Lenk, ‘The emergence of the projected image as a teaching tool in higher education (1860-1914)’, in Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990, ed. by Nelleke Teughels and Kaat Wils (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Ledegen, Louise and Margo Buelens-Terryn, 'Onder invloed van vertier. Stedelijke vormen van vermaak in de propagandastrijd van La ligue patriotique contre l’alcoolisme tussen 1895 en 1914', in Stadsgeschiedenis, 17.1 (2022), 23-38
Lenk, Sabine and Natalija Majsova, eds., Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), 290 p.
Lenk, Sabine and Natalija Majsova, 'Introduction', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 9-14
Lenk, Sabine and Frank Kessler, 'Teaching Faith with the Lantern: Audio-Visual Lantern Performances by the Clergy in France and Belgium Around 1900', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 123-38
Lenk, Sabine, 'Masonic Slide Cultures: Teaching, Meditation, Optimisation', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 241-58
Loockx, Kristof, and Ilja Van Damme, 'Dappere Russen, wrede Chinezen en beate missionarissen. Julij Lukjanovich Jelets en het fenomeen van de geïllustreerde lezingen in de Belgische belle époque', De Moderne Tijd, 3/4 (2022).
Majsova, Natalija, and Philippe Marion, 'The Edifying Structures of the Bijou Imaginary: An Investigation into Images, Rhetoric, Memory, and Politics', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 169-83
Moens, Bart G., 'New Light on Maison de la Bonne Presse and its Service des Projections', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 57-67
Nasta, Dominique, and Bart G. Moens, ‘Religious Temperance Propaganda and Multimodal Aesthetics of Emotion: The Lantern Slide Set A Lethal Poison and Early Film Adaptations of Emile Zola’s L’Assommoir’, in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 155-68
Ruivo, Céline, 'Artistic projections in Belgium: part 1 – Artistic lecture presentations', Magic Lantern Journal, 33 (December 2022), 10-11
Ruivo, Céline, Magic Images (Museum catalogue) Tainniothiki Ti Ellados (Greek Film Archives), (Athens: Institut français, forthcoming 2023)
Ruivo, Céline, and Caroline Fournier, ‘The Chromolithographic Loops on Hybrid Magic Lanterns’, in Film Atlas, ed. by James Layton and Laurent Mannoni. (Brussels : FIAF (Fédération international des archives du film), forthcoming 2023
Teughels, Nelleke, ‘Films fixes, the forgotten medium of the Catholic battle against secularization in interwar Belgium’, in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 209-23
Teughels, Nelleke, ‘Teachers’ agency and the introduction of new materialities of schooling: the projection lantern and classroom transformations in Antwerp municipal schools, c. 1900-1940’, in Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990, ed. by Nelleke Teughels and Kaat Wils (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Teughels, Nelleke and Kaat Wils, eds., Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Teughels, Nelleke and Kaat Wils, ‘Introduction’, in Learning with light and shadows. Educational lantern and film projection, 1860-1990, ed. by Nelleke Teughels and Kaat Wils (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022)
Vanhoutte, Kurt, 'Deep Time Through the Lens of the Magic Lantern: Genesis and Geology', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 187-207
Vanhoutte, Kurt, ‘La Terre avant le déluge. Nouvelles scènes de la Création, lanterne magique et mise en récit visuelle’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13614
Werry, Adeline, ‘La narration dans les plaques de verre pour les lanternes magiques jouets : de l’initiation d’un récit sur la plaque à sa projection’, Cahiers de narratologie, 41 (July 2022) [online on 15 July 2022], https://doi.org/10.4000/narratologie.13148
Werry, Adeline, ‘Les plaques de verre de lanterne magique : outils pour une narration « attractive » du passé’, In Enfance et histoire : cultures et pratiques enfantines du passé, ed. by Emmanuelle Fantin and Julien Tassel (Rouen : Presses Universitaires de Rouen-Le Havre, forthcoming 2023)
Werry, Adeline, and Sébastien Fevry, 'The Editorial Strategy of the Bijou Collection: When Media Diversification Reinforces an Edifying Ambition', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 141-53
Wynants, Nele, 'Invisible hands in the history of the magic lantern: where theatre studies and media archaeology meet', in Early Popular Visual Culture, 18.4 (2020, online 2022), 422-47
Wynants, Nele, 'La science au champ de foire. Diffusion de la technologie, du savoir et du spectacle dans les villes de province belge durant la fin-de-siècle', in 1895 revue d’histoire du cinéma, 96 (2022), 68-101
Ben Nun, Yaël, and Céline Ruivo, 'Le Cabinet de curiosités de Eva et Jan Svankmajer', Déméter. Théories & pratiques artistiques contemporaines [online on 1 July 2022], 6
De Zwaan, Klaas, 'A Nation in Ruins. Illustrated lectures on war-struck Belgium in the neutral Netherlands (1914-1918)', Journal of Belgian History (accepted, forthcoming)
Egelmeers, Wouter, and Nelleke Teughels, ‘“A thousand times more interesting”: introducing the optical lantern into the Belgian classroom, 1880–1920’, History of Education (published online ahead of print 14 July 2021)
Engelen, Leen, 'The Kaiser-Panorama and Tourism in Belgium Around 1900', International Journal Stereo & Immersive Media, 5.1 (2021), 132-54
Jonckheere, Evelien, and Bart Moens, 'La numérisation des plaques de lanterne magique de la Cinémathèque royale de Belgique - CINEMATEK / Digitalisering van lantaarnplaten in het Koninklijk Belgisch filmarchief -CINEMATEK', Contemporanea, 43.2 (June 2021)
Jonckheere, Evelien, and Kurt Vanhoutte. 'Les esprits au champ de foire: la métempsycose et son empreinte', Arcana Naturae, 2 (2021), 135-52
Kessler, Frank, 'Wissenschaftliche «Zappelbilder». Zur historischen Pragmatik eines Dispositivs', Montage AV, 30.2 (2021), 150-63
Moens, Bart, 'Composing "the artistic projection of the future": the religious life model slide sets of Maison de la Bonne Presse', Early Popular Visual Culture, 18.3 (2021), 255-82
Teughels, Nelleke, ‘Expectation versus Reality: How Visual Media Use in Belgian Catholic Secondary Schools Was Envisioned, Encouraged and Put into Practice (c. 1900–1940)’, Paedagogica Historica, 0.0 (2021), 1-18 (p. 4), https://doi.org/10.1080/00309230.2020.1856153
Wils, Kaat, 'The promises of suggestion. Hypnosis, education and the dangers of modernity in Belgium around 1900', in Past, Present and Future: Contemporary Histories of Education, ed. by Sarah Van Ruyskensvelde and others (München: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021) (accepted)
Jonckheere, Evelien and Kurt Vanhoutte, 'Spirits in the fairground. Métempsycose and its After-Images', in The Magic Lantern at Work Witnessing, Persuading, Experiencing and Connecting, ed. by Martyn Jolly and Elisa deCourcy (Routledge, 2020), pp. 32-46
Jonckheere, Evelien, 'Een cultuurbeleid in functie van de Vlaamse "volksziel"?', in Vlaanderen excelleert?! Retteketet, tableau vivant van een verzet, ed. by Robrecht Vanderbeeken and Ine Hermans (Antwerpen: EPO, 2020), 99-105
Kessler, Frank and Sabine Lenk, 'Projecting Faith: French and Belgian Catholics and the Magic Lantern Before the First World War, Material Religion, 16.1 (2020), 61-83
Lenk, Sabine, 'Farbtraditionen bei Laterna magica und im Stummfilm', Montage AV, 29.2 (2020), 37-56
Lenk, Sabine and Nelleke Teughels, 'Spreken met licht. Magische projectieplaatjes', Koorts. Erfgoedmagazine van KADOC, 1 (2020), 4-9
Lenk, Sabine, 'Re-use practices, the classical canon and out-of-canon slides', in A Million Pictures: Magic Lantern Slides in the History of Learning. KINtop Studies in Early Cinema 6, ed. by Frank Kessler and Sarah Dellmann (New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing, 2020), pp. 193-203
Majsova, Natalija, 'Kako daleč je od kristalne krogle do Alefa? : Mundaneum kot basen o vizionarjih nekega časa (How far is a crystal ball from an Aleph? Mundaneum as a fable about past visionaries)', Kulturološki zbornik, [Ljubljana: Društvo Kult.co] 2018-2019, 74-80
Majsova, Natalija, 'Mundaneum kot semiotični kondenzator : izzivi interpretacije kulturne dediščine v kontekstu njene hibridizacije (Mundaneum as a semiotic condenser: the challenges of interpreting cultural heritage in times of its hybridization)', Družboslovne razprave / Social Science Forum [Scopus indexed journal], 94/95 (Sept/Dec 2020), 191-216, illustr. ISSN 0352-3608
Majsova, Natalija. 'The Bijou Collection : a multimedia constellation for multimodal experiences', in Faith in a Beam of Light. Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940, ed. by Sabine Lenk and Natalija Majsova (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), pp. 139-40
Van Hassel, Marte, 'Als de Mekong zou spreken', Rekto:Verso online magazine, 29 June 2020, www.rektoverso.be/artikel/de-reincarnatie-van-het-verleden
Vanhoutte, Kurt, 'Re-enactment and the Magic Lantern Performance: Possessed by History', in A Million Pictures: Magic Lantern Slides in the History of Learning. KINtop Studies in Early Cinema 6, ed. by Sarah Dellmann and Frank Kessler (New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing, 2020), pp. 251-62
Wils, Kaat, 'A war to learn from. Commemorative practices in Belgian Schools after World War I', in Revival after the Great War. Rebuild, Remember, Repair, Reform, ed. by Luc Verpoest and others (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2020), pp. 176-93
Wynants, Nele, 'Dissolving Visions: from Slide Adaptation to Artistic Appropriation in Magic Lantern Practices', in A Million Pictures: Magic Lantern Slides in the History of Learning. KINtop Studies in Early Cinema 6, ed. by Sarah Dellmann and Frank Kessler (New Barnet: John Libbey Publishing, 2020), pp. 263-74
Wynants, Nele, 'Spectacular Science: Technology, Experience and Pleasure at the 19th century Fair', in OVERLAP: The Borderland between Art & Science, ed. by Ann Bessemans and others (Den Haag: Komma, 2020), pp. 19-31
Wynants, Nele, 'Wetenschap op de kermis: de verspreiding van technologie, kennis en spektakel in Belgische provinciesteden tijdens het fin-de-siècle', Volkskunde, 1 (2020), 1-33
Buelens-Terryn, Margo, Iason Jongepier and Ilja Van Damme, 'Lichtbeelden voor de massa. Toe-eigening en gebruik van de toverlantaarn in Antwerpen en Brussel (c. 1860-1920)', Stadsgeschiedenis, 14.2 (2019), 122-36
Carels, Edwin, 'Cinema’s Savoyards: Performativity and the Legacy of the Magic Lantern', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance:Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), pp. 213-32
Jonckheere, Evelien, 'Luminous Fountains and Fairies: Fin-de-siècle Colourful Lighting Techniques and Mutating Scenography', Documenta, 37.2 (2019), 44-67
Jonckheere, Evelien and Kurt Vanhoutte, 'Métempsycose as attraction on the fairground: the migration of a ghost', Early Popular Visual Culture, 17.4 (2019), 261-78, doi.org/10.1080/17460654.2019.1667645
Jonckheere, Evelien, and Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze, ‘Introduction: On Colour and Spectacle’, Documenta, 37 (2019), 3-12
Kessler, Frank, and Sabine Lenk, 'Fighting the enemy with the lantern: how French and Belgian Catholic priests lectured against their common laic enemies before 1914', Early Popular Visual Culture, 17.1 (2019), 89-111, doi.org/10.1080/17460654.2019.1641971
Kessler, Frank and Sabine Lenk, 'Performing Innovation: Exhibiting Media as Novelty and Spectacle at World Fairs 1893-1904', in Exposing the Moving Image. The Cinematic Medium Across World Fairs, Art Museums and Cultural Exhibitions, ed. by Diego Cavalotti, Simone Dotto, and Andrea Mariani (Mimesis Edizioni 16, 2019), 23-32
Kessler, Frank, and Sabine Lenk, '"Rendre réel aux yeux du public" - Stage Craft, Film Tricks, and the Féerie', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 83-98
Lenk, Sabine, and Frank Kessler, 'The Kinoreformbewegung in Germany: Creating an Infrastructure for Pedagogical Screenings', in The Institutionalization of Educational Cinema, ed. by Marina Dahlquist and Joel Frykholm (Indiana University Press, 2019), 36-54
Moens, Bart, 'The Luminous Colours of the Magic Lantern: Shedding Light on the Palette of Life Model Slides', Documenta, 37.2 (2019), 13-43
Van Hassel, Marte, 'Bewaren om te vergeten', Rekto:Verso online magazine, 18 October 2019, https://www.rektoverso.be/artikel/bewaren-om-te-vergeten [English version: 'Preserving to forget', https://www.rektoverso.be/artikel/preserving-to-forget]
Van Hassel, Marte, 'Images of Dutchness: Popular Visual Culture, Early Cinema and the Emergence of a National Cliché (1800–1914)', Journal for Media History, 22.1 (2019), 112–14
Van Hassel, Marte, 'Listening as a critique. Towards a methodology on absent presences in research on coloniality', Documenta, 37.1 (2019), 144-67
Vanhaesebrouck, Karel, 'Deep Space or the Re-invention of Scenography: Jozef Wouters on Infini 1-15', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), pp. 115-26
Vanhoutte, Kurt, 'Performing Astronomy: The Orrery as Model, Theatre and Experience', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance:Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), pp. 145-72
Wynants, Nele, 'Media-Archaeological Approaches to Theatre and Performance: An Introduction', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2019), pp. 1-19
Wynants, Nele, 'Mediated Visions of Life: An Archaeology of Microscopic Theatre', in Media Archaeology and Intermedial Performance: Deep Time of the Theatre, ed. by Nele Wynants (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), pp. 253-72
Wynants, Nele, 'Soma, of de verbeelding van het lichaam: Oona Libens' wetenschappelijk schaduwtheater' (review), FORUM+ voor onderzoek en kunsten / for research and arts, 26.1 (2019), 86-89
Wynants, Nele, 'The travelling lantern: the Courtois and Grandsart-Courtois family theatres as transcultural mediators at the nineteenth-century fair', Early Visual Popular Culture, 17.3-4 (2019), 233-60
Kessler, Frank and Sabine Lenk, 'Magie spectaculaire: pour une esthétique de l’émerveillement', in Machines. Magie. Médias, ed. by Frank Kessler, Jean-Marc Larrue, and Giusy Pisano (Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Les Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2018), pp. 231-40
Kessler, Frank and Sabine Lenk, '"To not only tell, but also to show, to show plenty…" The magic lantern as teaching tool in Art History Around 1900', Fonseca: Journal of Communication, 16 (June 2018), 46-58, doi.org/10.14201/FJC2018164659
Lenk, Sabine, 'De Robert Vrielynck collectie: Een "imaginair museum rond het bewegend beeld”', Tijd-Schrift. Heemkunde en lokaal-erfgoedpraktijk in Vlaanderen, 8.1 (2018), 126-31
Lenk, Sabine, 'How to digitise slides. Recommendations and working lists for the reproduction of a very special artefact', https://a-million-pictures-recommendations.wp.hum.uu.nl, May 2018
Vanhoutte, Kurt and Nele Wynants, 'Magie, science et apparences: le théâtre d’Henri Robin', in Machines. Magie. Médias, ed. by Frank Kessler, Jean-Marc Larrue, and Giusy Pisano (Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Les Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2018), pp. 103-16
Wynants, Nele, 'Julie and the Grandsart-Courtois theatre: A Family Affair', The Magic Lantern 16 (September 2018), 10-11