The fellows enrolled in B-Q MINDED will continuously inform the academic world about their work.
ESMRMB Congress 2020 (30/09-2/10/2020)
The ESMRMB Congress was going virtual this year and B-Q MINDED was joining!
Maíra Pinto et al. - L01.08 - "Outcome Prediction from MR Images after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury via Support Vector Machine Results from the CENTER-TBI" -
poster & lightning talk
Riwaj Byanju et al. - L01.53 - "Faster Myelin water mapping from highly undersampled 3D-GRASE acquisitions using the subspace constrained reconstruction" -
Marco Andrea Zampini et al. - L01.88 - "Fast Steady-State Approach for 3D T1 and B1 Mapping with an Updated Optimization Merit Function for an Improved Accuracy and Precision" -

ISMRM 2020 Virtual Conference (8-14/08/2020)
We are proud to present our ESR Marco Andrea Zampini's prize-winning entry into ISMRM 2020 QMRI study group's public engagement competition.

This year, the ISMRM annual meeting was organized as a virtual conference and exhibition and from B-Q MINDED 4 ESRs contributed, sharing the outcomes of their research with the scientific community!

12th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter 2020 (24/01/2020)
The 12th ISMRM Benelux meeting took place at the Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands. 350 MRI enthusiasts discussed and presented the latest proceedings in MR research of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. From B-Q MINDED, 5 ESRs contributed, sharing the outcomes of their research with the scientific community! Furthermore, Céline Smekens participated as a member of the organizing committee.

OpenMRBenelux (21/01-23/01/2020)
From the 21st to the 23rd of January 2020, the OpenMRBenelux received students, developers and researchers to discuss about the landscape of Open Science in the Netherlands.
The 3 days event had very interesting talks, many workshops on open source tools for MR research and an exciting Hackaton, where important projects and collaborations were born!
Vincenzo Anania and Emanoel Sabidussi (2 ESRs) were part of the organizing committee. Dimitrios Tryfonopoulos also contributed to the discussions and learning sessions!

ESMRMB 2019, 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (3-5/10/2019)
During the three days of ESMRMB 2019, 11 of our ESRs got to learn more about the latest European developments in magnetic resonance imaging. Centered around three major themes, i.e. machine learning, gadolinium-free imaging and efficient MRI, this conference was a great opportunity to gather new research ideas and to create new connections as well as tighten bonds with researchers from other European research groups and training networks!
For more information about the ESMRMB conference, and the European Society of MRI in Medicine and Biology in general, please visit the society's website.
Some ESRs (E. Sabidussi, M. Nicastro, V. Anania, M. Pinto, R. Paolella) presented their research results during the 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of The European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
E. Sabidussi, M. Nicastro, et al
"A Deep Learning Approach to T1 Mapping"
Oral presentation on 04/10 at 10:50 at the Auditorium - Willem Burger Zaal
V. Anania, et al.
"Robust outlier detection for diffusion kurtosis MRI based on IRLLS"
Poster presentation on 04/10 at 15:40 at the Scientific Exhibition Room - Meet the Authors
M. Pinto, R. Paolella, et al.
"Voxelwise harmonisation of FA on a cohort of 605 healthy subjects using ComBat: an exploratory study"
Lightning talk and poster presentation on 05/10 at 13:50 at The Stage

MRtrix3 Workshop, Antwerp, Belgium (9-13/9/2019)
The 2nd MRtrix3 workshop has taken place from 9-13/9/2019 hosted by the University of Antwerp. More than 60 researchers of which five Early Stage Researchers of the EU-funded project BQ-minded have gathered together with the common objective of knowing more about this program which provides a suite of tools for image processing, analysis, and visualization, with a focus on the study of white matter using diffusion-weighted MRI.

ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Montréal, Canada (11-16/5/2019)
Several members of our EU-funded project B-Q MINDED attended the ISMRM - meeting in Montréal.
All detailed information (venue, program,...) is available via this link.

MCAA General Assembly 2019 - Vienna (24-25/02/2019)
Michele Nicastro, a researcher of our EU-funded B-Q MINDED project gave a presentation about our project.

Michele Nicastro and 3 other ESRs attended this meeting.

Workshop on Data Analytics (31/01/2019)
Maíra Pinto and Roberto Paolella, 2 researchers from our EU-funded project B-Q MINDED participated in a Data Analytics Workshop in Antwerp organized by CENTER TBI, a European project that aims to improve the care for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

11th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter, Leiden, The Netherlands (17/01/2019)
The aim of the annual ISMRM Benelux meeting is to stimulate young researchers active in the exciting field of MR in Medicine. During this 1-day meeting, junior researchers got the opportunity to present their work in oral and poster presentations to a diverse and expert audience.
One of our colleagues Riwaj Byanju (Erasmus MC Rotterdam) presented his study.

Several other colleagues attended this conference.

OpenMR Benelux 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands (16/01/2019)
On 16/01/2019 several researchers participated at the OpenMR Benelux , an Open Science event for the field of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.