New B-Q MINDED E-Learning platfom (10/2021)
Posted 10/2021
Interested in our research on quantitative MRI?
Please visit the new B-Q MINDED E-learning platform.

Dedicated Session B-Q MINDED @ ESMRMB 2021 (10/2021)
Posted 08/2021
The fully online ESMRMB 38th Annual Scientific Meeting will take place from October 7th until October 9th, 2021. This congress will focus on the theme of Broadening the MRI Spectrum.
Our EU-funded B-Q MINDED project has a dedicated, collaborative and a poster session during this congress.
The B-Q MINDED fellows will have the opportunity to outreach their work on Thursday, October 7th 2021 at a special session (15:30-17:00).
The program will start with an introduction by the coordinator, Prof. Dr. Jan Sijbers (imec-Vision Lab UAntwerpen), and will be concluded with a presentation given by the Chairman of the Exploitation Board, Dr. Ruslan Garipov (MR Solutions).
The session will be subdivided in 3 sessions during which the ESRs will describe their research.
- Quantitative mapping and validation.
- AI in qMRI.
- Accelerated MRI.
Each session will be preceded by a short invited talk by the following SAB-members.
- Quantitative mapping and validation: Prof. Dr. Paul Tofts (Emeritus Professor Univ. Sussex).
- AI in qMRI: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Pizurica (Ghent University).
- Accelerated MRI: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Romero (Univ. Nacional de Colombia).
Please find the detailed program via this link. Interested in our research? All information for registration is available via this link.

Summer School (06/2021)
Posted 06/2021
Prof. Dr. Jan Sijbers, the coordinator of the EU-funded project B-Q MINDED invited the early-stage researchers for a fully virtual Summer School (01/06 - 08/06/2021 + an additional day on 18/06/2021). The researchers enjoyed the interesting presentations and hands-on sessions. Special thanks to the lecturers. All detailed information is available via this link.

ISMRM 2021 - Magna Cum Laude award (05/2021)
Posted 05/2021
We are very proud that Céline Smekens' ISMRM 2021 abstract on “Super-resolution T2* mapping of the knee using UTE Spiral VIBE MRI” received a Magna Cum Laude award, meaning it was ranked in the top 15% within its subject review category.

The 29th Annual Meeting & Exhibition from the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2021) will take place online from May 15 to 20 and will attract over 5000 attendees. The presentation is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19 at 19:00 UTC.
Winter School 2021 (26-27/01/2021)
Posted 01/2021
Most of the ESRs attended the B-Q MINDED Winter School: 2 days full of interesting presentations and hands-on-sessions.
Special thanks to the lecturers.
It was great to have the B-Q MINDED team working together and joining efforts.
We are also proud to present our ESR Dennis Thomas who won the icometrix quiz during this Winter School.

Annual Meeting 2021 (20/01/2021)
Posted 01/2021
The fully virtual B-Q MINDED Annual Meeting 2021 took place on 20/01/2021.
All attendees really enjoyed this day. All detailed information is available via this link.

#MyJobinResearch video challenge
7 out of 15 B-Q MINDED ESRs participated in the challenge and made a 15 seconds video, explaining their research.
- Céline Smekens
- Emanoel Sabidussi
- Dennis Thomas
- Maíra Pinto
- Riwaj Byanju
- Roberto Paolella
- Vincenzo Anania
And the winner for the B-Q MINDED team was Céline Smekens (ESR at Siemens Healthineers)! Her video was posted on the REA’s Twitter account.

Fully virtual Autumn Open Door - (25/11/2020)
Posted 12/10/2020
A fully virtual Autumn Open Door was organized on November 25th, 2020 for the B-Q MINDED ESRs. The programme is available via this link.
The main purpose of this event was to allow the ESRs to virtually meet / request advice from the SAB members and likewise to update the SAB-members on the ESR’s research status.

ESMRMB Congress 2020 (30/09-2/10/2020)
Posted 12/10/2020
poster & lightning talk
Riwaj Byanju et al. - L01.53 - "Faster Myelin water mapping from highly undersampled 3D-GRASE acquisitions using the subspace constrained reconstruction" -
poster & lightning talk
Marco Andrea Zampini et al. - L01.88 - "Fast Steady-State Approach for 3D T1 and B1 Mapping with an Updated Optimization Merit Function for an Improved Accuracy and Precision" -
poster & lightning talk

ISMRM 2020 Virtual Conference (8-14/08/2020)
Posted 08/2020
We are proud to present our ESR Marco Andrea Zampini's prize-winning entry into ISMRM 2020 QMRI study group's public engagement competition.

This year, the ISMRM annual meeting was organized as a virtual conference and exhibition and from B-Q MINDED 4 ESRs contributed, sharing the outcomes of their research with the scientific community!

Virtual Summer Workshop on Compressive Sampling in MRI by Prof. M. Lustig, UC Berkeley (02/07/2020)
Posted 15/07/2020
Most of the ESRs joined the online seminar on “Compressive Sampling in MRI” that was organized on Thursday, July 2nd 2020 by Prof. A. Frangi (University of Leeds) and his team and was kindly given by Prof. Michael Lustig .
Prof. Michael Lustig is widely known for his great work in sparse MRI.
The ESRs learned a lot about both the theoretical aspects of compressed sensing and a glimpse of recent advances and current research areas.

Posted 05/2020
Pandemic or not, we are working on our research!
All the B-Q MINDED staff has shifted to smart working, transforming their houses into improvised offices. Video calls and emails were already the order of the day before, but now it feels like having a strong and reliable Internet connection is just a fundamental need.

Annual Meeting Siemens Healthineers Halle (29-30/01/2020)
Posted 02/02/2020
Dr. Thomas Janssens (Siemens Healthineers) invited the EU-funded B-Q MINDED partners and ESRs at the premises of Siemens Healthineers (Halle) for the 2nd Annual Meeting of the consortium (29-30/01/2020). Experts gave several interesting talks and sessions on the field of quantitative MRI.
Another key point of this annual meeting has been the importance of collaboration between researchers. ESRs belonging to Marie Curie Projects have to attend two or more mandatory secondments, during which they are hosted by different institutes or laboratories than their own. This exchange time is crucial in the career of the researchers for many reasons, for example, to get feedback and insights from experts, and to look on their research paths by different prospectives.

12th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter 2020 (24/01/2020)
Posted 30/01/2020
The 12th ISMRM Benelux meeting took place at the Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem, the Netherlands. 350 MRI enthusiasts discussed and presented the latest proceedings in MR research of the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. From B-Q MINDED, 5 ESRs contributed, sharing the outcomes of their research with the scientific community! Furthermore, Céline Smekens participated as a member of the organizing committee.

OpenMRBenelux (21/01-23/01/2020)
Posted 30/01/2020
From the 21st to the 23rd of January 2020, the OpenMRBenelux received students, developers and researchers to discuss about the landscape of Open Science in the Netherlands.
The 3 days event had very interesting talks, many workshops on open source tools for MR research and an exciting Hackaton, where important projects and collaborations were born!
Vincenzo Anania and Emanoel Sabidussi (2 ESRs) were part of the organizing committee. Dimitrios Tryfonopoulos also contributed to the discussions and learning sessions!

Secondments @MR Solutions and @University of Leeds (01-03/2020)
Posted 04/2020
In March 2020, three of our B-Q MINDED ESRs completed their secondments. Banafshe Shafieizargar and Michele Nicastro were @ MR SOLUTIONS Ltd. while Riwaj Byanju was @ the Center for Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB) in the University of Leeds.
Here are some words summarising their experience and some pictures from their stay in Guildford and Leeds:
Riwaj Byanju: I got a chance to experience a new work environment and learned different ways for working between my home institute in Rotterdam and Leeds. I am thankful to all my colleagues and fellow ESRs for their help and insightful discussions we had during my stay.
Banafshe Shafieizargar and Michele Nicastro: We had a chance to have a training in MR Solutions R&D section, which is a world-leader developer of MRI technology for preclinical MRI scanners. During this time we got familiar with their remote scanning software and tested our quantitative processing methods on data acquired by MR Solutions.

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, School of Medical Science and Technology (22/12/2019)
Posted 21/12/2019
Dennis C Thomas, ESR14 presented B-Q Minded and the goals of the project to the Masters in Medical Science and Technology (MMST) alumni and current students meet up. The outline of the project and the goals of the project were described to the budding researchers. Many questions relating to the project and the impact it would have on the society were addressed. It was an amazing opportunity for Dennis to go back to the MMST and share his experience. Moreover, it is essential for our EU-funded project to inform and raise the interest of students in the various challenges in medical imaging.
Date: 21/12/2019
Place: Bangalore, India
Institute: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur,
Department: School of Medical Science and Technology (SMST)

Secondment at Vision Lab (University of Antwerp)
Posted 12/2019
Dennis Thomas, a researcher in the EU-funded project B-Q MINDED, finished his secondment at the University of Antwerp this week. Secondments are short-duration projects carried out by junior researchers (ESRs) at institutes or companies different from the one they are employed in. The goal of secondments is to foster better collaboration between the partner institutions in the consortium and to encourage new ideas emerging from the same. The aim is also to train the ESR in skills in other domains as well and to learn to adapt soon and learn from a new research environment.

Winter Workshop (EMC Rotterdam) (20-22/11/2019)
Posted 21/11/2019
Dr. Dirk Poot and Dr. Stefan Klein invited the researchers from the EU-funded B-Q MINDED Project at Erasmus MC Rotterdam for a Winter workshop (20-22/11/19). 3 days full of interesting presentations and hands-on-sessions. Special thanks to the lecturers. It was great to have the B-Q MINDED team working together and joining efforts to improve the life quality of many patients! Keep following us to discover more!

Secondments at Erasmus MC
Posted 10/10/2020
3 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) from B-Q MINDED (Seonyeong Shin, Ester Jiménez Arroyo and Michele Nicastro) joined forces at Erasmus MC for their secondment.
In B-Q MINDED, ESRs have several opportunities to enhance their strengths, challenging themselves in different environments, and collaborating with different teams.
Such a unique collaborative cross-disciplinary approach is the B-Q MINDED main strategy to achieve its goals: develop breakthroughs for accelerating Q-MRI while at the same time train the promising future generation of MRI scientists.

36th Annual Scientific Meeting of The European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) (3-5/10/2019)
Posted 05/10/2019
During the three days of ESMRMB 2019, 11 of our ESRs got to learn more about the latest European developments in magnetic resonance imaging. Centered around three major themes, i.e. machine learning, gadolinium-free imaging and efficient MRI, this conference was a great opportunity to gather new research ideas and to create new connections as well as tighten bonds with researchers from other European research groups and training networks!
For more information about the ESMRMB conference, and the European Society of MRI in Medicine and Biology in general, please visit the society's website:

Some ESRs (E. Sabidussi, M. Nicastro, V. Anania, M. Pinto, R. Paolella) presented their research results during this conference 36th Annual Scientific Meeting of The European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB) in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
E. Sabidussi, M. Nicastro, et al
"A Deep Learning Approach to T1 Mapping"
Oral presentation on 04/10 at 10:50 at the Auditorium - Willem Burger Zaal

V. Anania, et al.
"Robust outlier detection for diffusion kurtosis MRI based on IRLLS"
Poster presentation on 04/10 at 15:40 at the Scientific Exhibition Room - Meet the Authors

M. Pinto, R. Paolella, et al.
"Voxelwise harmonisation of FA on a cohort of 605 healthy subjects using ComBat: an exploratory study"
Lightning talk and poster presentation on 05/10 at 13:50 at The Stage

MRtrix3 Workshop (9-13/9/2019)
Posted 15/09/2019
The 2nd MRtrix3 workshop has taken place from 9-13/9/2019 hosted by University of Antwerp. More than 60 researchers of which five Early Stage Researchers of the EU-funded project BQ-minded have gathered together with the common objective of knowing more about this program which provides a suite of tools for image processing, analysis and visualisation, with a focus on the study of white matter using diffusion-weighted MRI.

Summer School B-Q MINDED 2019 (26-30/8/2019)
Posted 2/09/2019
The 2nd B-Q MINDED Summer School has taken place from 26-30/8/2019 and was attended by the ESRs of the B-Q MINDED project and a few other enthusiastic young scientists too.
The Summer School was intense but at the same time fun filled, keeping the participants interested throughout the week: it started with an introduction to CUDA and a hands-on workshop for the same. The participants were split into teams and were given the assignments encouraging a healthy competition among themselves. The following days covered lectures ranging from good ‘ethical research practices’ to ‘Artificial intelligence in Radiology’. The participants were also trained on the ways of communicating and disseminating their research work which was very helpful for the budding doctoral candidates.
The Summer School ended with a grand reception, leaving a big impact on the participants filling them with a bucketload of ideas and a lot of inspiration to do impactful research.

During the Summer School B-Q MINDED our researchers introduced two 1st grade students (Senne Hoste and Mats Kuipers) with a general overview of their current scientific research on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. Follow us in different social media and discover how the EU-funded B-Q MINDED researchers will inform the wider public about their work.

JEMRIS Workshop (17-18/6/2019)
Posted 30/06/2019
On 17 and 18/06/2019 many ESRs attended the workshop "MRI Simulations with JEMRIS", that took place at Forschungszentrum Jülich. They had 2 full days of lectures and hands-on sessions in which they discovered the many promising applications of JEMRIS in our research! Thanks to all the lecturers and organisers, specially to Prof. Dr. Jon Shah. Check here to know more about JEMRIS.

Scientific Meeting Jülich 11-12/06/2019
Posted 12/06/2019
Prof. Dr. N. J. Shah invited the EU-funded B-Q MINDED Consortium at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) for a Scientific Meeting (11-12/06/19). The main aim of this meeting was to let the fellows present their research and future plans to the project partners with the purpose of receiving feedback, refining their work and finding opportunities to strengthen the scientific cooperation with other researchers.

Pint of Science (Antwerp, 22/05/2019)
Posted 22/05/2019
Michele Nicastro and Céline Smekens, 2 fellows of our EU-funded project B-Q MINDED presented their research at Pint of Science (Antwerp).

ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (11-16/5/2019)
Posted 20/05/2019
Several members of our EU-funded project B-Q MINDED attended the ISMRM - meeting in Montréal .
All detailed information (venue, program,...) is available via this link.

MCAA General Assembly 2019 - Vienna
Posted 24/02/2019
4 researchers of our EU-funded B-Q MINDED project (Maira Pinto, Michele Nicastro, Marco Zampini and Dimitrios Tryfonopoulos) attended the MCAA (Marie Curie Alumni Association) General Assembly 2019 in Vienna. Michele Nicastro gave a presentation about our project.

The registration for this year's B-Q MINDED Summer School is open!
Posted 14/02/2019
The registration for this year's B-Q MINDED Summer School is open! Please apply now, if you are interested. Attached you will find the agenda. The participants of the Summer School will be awarded with 3 credits on the base of 100 % active participation in class and presentations to a jury. The Summer School consists of 50 hours of training (incl. preparatory readings/assignments).

Watch some other impressions from the previous version.
Workshop on Data Analytics (31/01/2019)
Posted 01/02/2019
Maíra Pinto and Roberto Paolella, 2 researchers from our EU-funded project B-Q MINDEDparticipated in a Data Analytics Workshop in Antwerp organized by CENTER TBI, an European project that aims to improve the care for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Midterm check in Rotterdam (18/01/2019)
Posted 18/01/2019
The Midterm Check/Annual meeting took place on 18/01/2019 in Rotterdam.
All attendees really enjoyed this day. All detailed information (venue, program,...) is available via this link.

ISMRM Benelux
Posted 18/01/2019
Our colleagues joined the 11th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM Benelux Chapter in Leiden.

...... and one of our colleagues Riwaj Byanju (Erasmus MC Rotterdam) presented his study.

Open MRBenelux
Posted 17/01/2019
On 16/01/2019 several researchers participated at the OpenMR Benelux, a new Open Science event for the field of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

Midterm check/Annual meeting
Posted 16/01/2019
The Midterm Check/Annual meeting will be held on 18/01/2019 in Rotterdam.