Back to the Future Conference: presentations are now available online!

You can now watch the papers presented at our conference "Back to the Future: Thinking about Futures in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe and Beyond" online by clicking on the links below.

Jeroen Puttevils (Antwerp University): Introduction to the conference and the theme: Back to the Future

Marek Tamm (Tallinn University): Future: A useful category of historical analysis

Matthew Champion (Melbourne University): “There will come a time”: Imagining futurity in the Devotio Moderna

Sanne Hermans (Antwerp University): Future ties: Familial experiences and expectations in the early modern Low Countries (c. 1600) (Available soon)

Judith Pollmann (Leiden University): What’s in the air. Predicting the political future in the early modern Low Countries

Elisabeth Heijmans (Antwerp University): Gendered future thinking and self-representation in French merchants’ correspondences during the eighteenth century

Matthew O’Hara (UC Santa Cruz): Futures from the ruins: History and prediction in Early Mexico

Sara Budts (Antwerp University): Candlemas or February 2nd? The use of temporal frameworks in early modern English merchant letters

Penelope Corfield (Royal Holloway University of London): Shifting views of time: From cyclical to linear and the future of prophecies

Max-Quentin Bischoff (Antwerp University): Letters, contracts and testaments: The future horizon of a family firm (1520-1550)

Klaus Oschema (Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris): After the end : Medieval ideas on the limits of future

Nicolò Zennaro (Antwerp University): The Ermine’s game. Mercantile futures and warfare in late medieval Venice

Back to the Future Conference program

Our conference "Back to the Future: Thinking about Futures in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe and Beyond" will take place on November 14 and November 15 2024 in Antwerp and online. Please find the program below. Registration is required and can be done by filling in this form.