Bridging Artistic and Academic Research - Roundtable discussion with Elizabeth Povinelli

Ten years of ARIA. Ten years of bridging artistic and academic research. Ten years of exploring what academic research can learn from artistic practice—and vice versa.
On March 19, we welcome Elizabeth Povinelli (Columbia University), a groundbreaking thinker, anthropologist, artist, and activist who challenges us to redefine the intersections between disciplines. Her work embodies ARIA’s mission: fostering a dialogue where art, science, and society don’t merely coexist but actively inspire one another.
Programme Overview
- Welcome and introduction by Bart Eeckhout, Petra Van Brabandt, and Pascal Gielen
- Examples of artistic research within ARIA
- Roundtable discussion with Elizabeth Povinelli, moderated by Petra Van Brabandt and Pascal Gielen
- Closing reception
Join us and discover how your research can flourish at the fertile crossroads of art and science.
- Grauwzusters, UAntwerpen Stadscampus, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, Room S.S.209
- 19 March | 14:00 – 18:30
- Questions? Contact Olga Beloborodova at
This roundtable is organized to celebrate the Honorary Doctoral Degree in the Arts that Povinelli will receive from the University of Antwerp. The award ceremony will take place on 20 March and will be preceded by a Masterclass by Povinelli at 11:00. More details and the registration link can be found here.
Picture © Gavin Bianamu, 2017
Aims of Concept Building in Critical Theory and Artistic Practice - Masterclass by Elizabeth Povinelli
The Faculty of Arts and the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) of the University of Antwerp would like to welcome you to the masterclass and official conferral of the honorary degree to Prof. Elizabeth Povinelli.
Nominator: Prof. Pascal Gielen
- 11 a.m. : Welcome by Prof. Pascal Gielen, nominator
- 11.05 a.m. : Masterclass ‘Aims of Concept Building in Critical Theory and Artistic Practice’ by Prof. Elizabeth Povinelli
- 11.55 a.m.: Closing words by Prof. Pascal Gielen
This master class pivots between Deleuze and Guattari’s What is Philosophy? and Édouard Glissant’s Poetics of Relation to explore the purpose and aspirational scope of concept-building in academic and artistic research practice.
Practical information
- Date: Thursday 20 March 2025 at 11 a.m.
- Event location: University of Antwerp - Stadscampus
Klooster van de Grauwzusters – Auditorium S.S.209
Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp - The event will be held in English.
College Brede Welvaart: De Waarde van Cultuur
Datum: 13 februari 2025 Tijd: 15:30 – 17:30 Locatie: Black Box, Esplanadegebouw, Tilburg University
Hoe dragen kunst, cultuur en erfgoed bij aan het welzijn van mensen, en aan de samenleving als geheel? Welke ontwikkelingen spelen er in de Brabantse culturele sector? En kan het stimuleren van een cultureel ‘gemeen’ bijdragen aan maatschappelijk vertrouwen? (SG-Certificaat)

Cultuur monitoren
In vogelvlucht kijken we naar de ontwikkelingen in en om de Brabantse culturele sector en haar makers, instellingen en het publiek. In de cultuurmonitor ‘Waarde van Cultuur 2024’ zijn onlangs deze ontwikkelingen via drie kapitalen in beeld gebracht. Cultureel kapitaal, dat refereert aan de intrinsieke, eigenwaarde van cultuur. Ten tweede het sociaal kapitaal, ofwel de maatschappelijke waarde van cultuur. En ten derde de economische waarde door bedrijvigheid en financiële stromen. Wat draagt de culturele sector bij aan ‘Brede Welvaart’? En waar zien actoren in het culturele veld werk aan de winkel?
Een opstap voor gesprek over de waarde van cultuur is het idee van het cultureel ‘gemeen’.
Het cultureel ‘gemeen’Al sinds mensheugenis wordt er cultuur gedeeld. Volgens cultuursocioloog Pascal Gielen is cultuur bovenal collectieve zingeving. Het ontstaat ook zonder subsidies van controlerende overheden of het winstbejag van commerciële partijen. Gielen pleit juist nu, in tijden van wantrouwen jegens de bestaande instituties, voor het stimuleren van maatschappelijk vertrouwen. Hij ziet daarbij een cruciale rol weggelegd voor culturele ‘commons’, ofwel het cultureel ‘gemeen’. Hierbij komen mensen in verbinding met elkaar en kunnen ze hun eigen cultuur ontwikkelen en beheren. Wat zijn ‘commons’? Door wie en hoe krijgt dat vorm? Kunnen ook traditionele cultuurorganisaties ‘gemeenzamen’? En zijn burgers in onze geïndividualiseerde samenleving wel gevoelig voor dit idee?
Sprekers- Patrick Vermeulen, directeur-bestuurder & Sophie de Jong, advideur-onderzoeker, van sociale kennisonderneming Het PON-Telos. Recentelijk is hun cultuurmonitor van Noord-Brabant gepubliceerd.
- Pascal Gielen, hoogleraar cultuursociologie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen, en hoofdredacteur van ‘Antennae-Arts in Society’. Hij is o.a. auteur van het recent gepubliceerde Vertrouwen – bouwen op een cultureel ‘gemeen’.
Na twee keynote-lezingen gaan we met een panel en de zaal in gesprek. In het panel hebben naast de twee keynote-sprekers zitting:
- Rogier Telderman, muzikant en organisator, o.a. mede-initiator common Dock Zuid.
- Wim Hupperetz, directeur Centre Céramique in Maastricht, en hoogleraar Musea, Erfgoedcollecties en Digitaal Curatorschap, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
- Marike de Nobel, wethouder Inkomen en Cultuur, Erfgoed en Inclusie, Gemeente Breda.
Moderator is Patrick Vermeulen, directeur-bestuurder Het PON-Telos.
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Culture under far right pressure:
how to resist?
how to resist?
28 January 2025, KVS Brussels
Organizers: Louis Paul Boonkring and PAC-Brussels

The influence of right-wing and extreme-right ideologies continues to grow in Europe. Worse still: in several countries, right-wing and extreme-right parties hold significant power. It is striking how culture and media are immediately targeted.
In Italy, Meloni has virtually dismantled the public broadcaster RAI by dismissing all critical journalists. In Slovakia, the director of the National Theatre and the National Museum were dismissed for "political activism." In France, the media empire has fallen into the hands of the far-right billionaire Vincent Bolloré. In the Netherlands, significant cuts have been made to cultural offerings. In Flanders, Vlaams Belang targets so-called "subsidy hogs," and so on.
On January 28, we will discuss this topic from two perspectives: how culture and the socio-cultural sector are being attacked in various European countries, and how the cultural sector itself can arm itself against pressure from the far right.
Pascal Gielen, author and full professor of cultural sociology associated with the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) at the University of Antwerp, has been asked to deliver the opening address. He will also discuss his book Trust, in which he explores how we can break through the existing culture of mistrust. In his book, he describes the crucial role of cultural commons — the shared "common" life and its habits, customs, knowledge, and values.
After the introduction, we will hear from Members of the European Parliament from Italy, the Netherlands, and Hungary. They will report on what is happening in their countries, where the far-right is either in power or wields significant influence, but also on how the cultural sector (or more broadly) is responding to this situation. Are new practices emerging? A new underground culture?
We invite the following speakers:
- Klara Dobrev (Hungary): A Hungarian leftist politician who served as Vice President of the European Parliament from July 2019 to January 2022.
- Brando Benifei (Italy): Began his political career in 2002 with the Democrats of the Left. In 2007, he joined the Democratic Party, and he has been a member of the European Parliament since 2014, reelected in 2019 and 2024.
- Thijs Reuten (Netherlands): A Dutch politician from the Labour Party (PvdA). He has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2021 and was reelected in June 2024.
Following this, representatives of the Belgian cultural and socio-cultural sectors will share their insights on how best to deal with the increasing far-right pressure on culture and society in general.
We invite the following speakers:
- Michaël De Cock, Artistic Director of KVS.
- Pierre Thys, General and Artistic Director of Théâtre National.
- Saddie Choua, PhD researcher at the RITCS film school in Brussels and lecturer at Sint Lucas School of Arts Antwerp and RITCS. Member of the artists' collective ROBIN.
- Sarah Deliamchine, Director of PAC (Présence et Action Culturelles), an ecosocialist movement.
- Anne-Sophie Vanneste will moderate the discussion.
Practical information
- Date and Time: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 7:30 PM
- Location: KVS, Lakensestraat 146, Brussels (5th floor)
- Languages: Presentations by Pascal Gielen and the Members of the European Parliament will be in English. Translation to French will be provided.
- Admission: €5 (for LPB-kring and PAC members) - €8 (for others) Free for students/those with increased compensation
- Bank details: BE 47 8919 3411 7080 (LPB-kring)
- Registration and more information:
Afspraak in de stad - Aan tafel met Thomas Verstraeten en Bart Van Nuffelen
16 December 2024 - Bourla, Antwerpen
Naar aanleiding van hun voorstellingen Seefhoek Series en Honderd praten theatermakers Thomas Verstraeten en Bart Van Nuffelen over hun geloof, hoop en liefde voor de stad.
Cultuursocioloog Pascal Gielen leidt het gesprek in. Dramaturg Erwin Jans praat daarna verder met Thomas Verstraeten en Bart Van Nuffelen.
Voorafgaand kan je de expo Seefhoek Series bezoeken bij Fred & Ferry Gallery. Welkom vanaf 19u. Thomas Verstraeten geeft om 19u30 een rondleiding in de expo. Om 20u30 start het Aan tafel gesprek in de inkomhal van de Bourla.

Book launch 'Trust'
5 December 2024, Center for the Humanities, New York

How can we break through a culture of mistrust? Suspicion regarding our fellow beings, the authorities and enterprises is growing, blamed on passing the buck and feelings of impotence. We seek remedies in regulations, contracts and procedures, assurances, audits and consultancy. As well as in good governance and transparency. But do they actually make for real trust? Is trust not always somewhat blind?
'Trust: Building on the Cultural Commons' highlights the crucial role played by cultural commons, shared common life and its customs, practices, knowledge and values. After all, trust is a matter of culture, emotion and even aesthetics. Wide-ranging trust starts with the sharing of vulnerabilities, and it is Pascal Gielen’s belief that the ‘common’ provides the necessary scope. Breathing space and scope for experiment. How might a society and a policy build on this?
The book is an English and international version of 'Vertrouwen: Bouwen op het cultureel gemeen' , published by Valiz in November 2023. For this new English language publication, Gielen has broadened the scope of the former book, and has included several international case studies of cultural commons.
Author: Pascal Gielen
Drawings: Karina Beumer
Design: Lotte Lara Schröder
November 2024, Valiz | pb | 288 pp. | 19 x 11,8 cm (h x w) | English | ISBN 978-94-93246-40-9 | €19,90
Pascal Gielen is a writer and full professor of sociology of culture and politics at the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA) where he leads the Culture Commons Quest Office.
Karina Beumer is a visual artist. Her work starts from drawing, and often leads to other forms of art, such as music, video, sculptures, writing.
Disarming Design - Politics of participatory practices - PhD defence Annelys de Vet
29 November 2024, Sint Lucas School of Arts (Showroom)
- Sint Lucas School of Arts (Showroom), Van Schoonbekestraat 143, Antwerp - no registration needed but a message of participation is appreciated via
- 14:30 Doors and exhibition open
- 15:00 Presentation and defence
- 17:00 Reception
- Supervisors: Pascal Gielen (University of Antwerp), Petra Van Brabandt (Sint Lucas Antwerpen)

Image: Production of ‘Identity = health’ facemask, Gaza 2020. Photo: Abed Zagout
The public defence and the exhibition 'Disarming Design, politics of participatory practices' presents a dissertation, an installation and the series of Subjective Atlases along with objects from Palestine.
In our current political and economic landscape, sustaining an emancipatory design practice—one that aligns with progressive political beliefs and social values—poses significant challenges. My practice-based research explores how political agency can be strengthened in these conditions by engaging in participatory design processes.
The installation and dissertation document three long-term, self-directed, and participatory projects: a series of books (the Subjective Atlas series), a design label (Disarming Design from Palestine), and a master’s programme (Disarming Design at Sandberg Instituut). Each collaborative platform originated as a counterproposal that activates design as a methodology to amplify voices, mobilise communities, and create new opportunities. Aesthetics play a crucial role in this work, shaping the sensory, material, and emotional dynamics of our spaces, the materials we engage with, and the hospitality we practise.
By detailing the processes and outcomes of each of the three projects, from initiation to materialisation, and from distribution to impact, the dissertation offers an intimate and self-critical insight into the politics, tensions, and possibilities of participatory design practices. At the core is a drive to ask: How can design be liberated from the goal of finding ‘solutions’ and become a practice of agency and solidarity?
CEASEFIRE!?!? Film screening and public debate
11 November 2024 - De Studio, Antwerpen
The films are shown in original languages with English subtitles | The public debate is in Dutch & English
For the occasion of Armistice Day on November 11 and the re-election of President Trump, De Cinema, De Studio, and Antwerp filmmaker Jan Beddegenoodts invite you to two films and the public debate CEASEFIRE?!?!. How does the urgent need for peace relate to the wars in Ukraine, Palestine, and Lebanon? And where does the pacifist stand in 2024? Why does this madness persist in our spectacle society? Where does the pacifist of 2024 stand, and what can we do? CEASEFIRE?!?!??

6:00 PM
In GAMLET, Jan Beddegenoodts follows Ukrainian street artist Gamlet Zinkivskyi during the Russian invasion of Kharkiv. Despite the devastation, Gamlet remains determined to create art, convinced that art, even amid war, has a unifying power. Beddegenoodts highlights the resilience of the human spirit, with humor as the main weapon.
7:00 PM
In BLUE ORCHIDS, Johan Grimonprez (SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ETAT) presents a deep dual portrait of two opposites in the arms trade: Chris Hedges, former New York Times correspondent, and Riccardo Privitera, a former arms dealer. Their testimonies reveal the corruption and hypocrisy of the war industry, in which greed plays a central role.
8:00 PM
Then, using several film clips, Beddegenoodts invites the audience and the following speakers to reflect on the role of journalism, ethics, and activism, as well as the challenges faced by the peace movement in times of war:
- Maha Abdallah, doctoral researcher in Law at the University of Antwerp, focusing on the financial flows sustaining Israeli colonialism.
- Pascal Gielen, author and professor of cultural sociology at the Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA), University of Antwerp.
- Ludo De Brabander, peace activist, opinion maker, and spokesperson for the peace organization Vrede vzw.
- Oksana Senyczak, activist and spokesperson for #StandWithUkraine.
- Ludo Abicht, philosopher, author, poet and professor of Classical Philology and European Culture. Abicht has published 23 books on Jewish culture and spirituality, Israel-Palestine, Marxism, multiculturalism, political philosophy, and anti-Semitism.
- Hanne Bosselaers, doctor and activist for Médecine Pour le Peuple
Reserve your spot by paying what you can! All profits go directly to a befriended displaced family from Gaza. They thank you!
This evening and the films are part of our programme (R)EVOLUTION which focuses on universal themes like resistance and freedom, and which shines a light on the importance of cinema as a tool for giving a voice to the oppressed.
Lijsttrekkersdebat Ruimte voor A
10 september 2024 - Bourlaschouwburg Antwerpen

Antwerpen, de stad van 172 nationaliteiten. De stad van historisch erfgoed en de ‘werf van de eeuw’. De stad waar de vastgoedmarkt floreert en de begroting sinds kort in evenwicht is. Maar is er nog voldoende ruimte voor de Antwerpenaren zelf? Ruimte voor cultuur, sport, religie en het sociaal-culturele leven.
Ruimte voor het ongetemde leven. Voor opera- en rave-liefhebbers, dichters en skaters. Ademruimte voor jong en oud, afkomstig van hier en elders, gelovig en ongelovig.
Is Antwerpen te berekend en gecontroleerd aan het worden? Een creatieve hub hier, maar niet daar. Kwetsbaren, liefst uit het zicht, tussen autostrades en beton. De stad wordt steeds duurder, te duur voor cultuur en de diverse culturen die haar zo kleurrijk maken. Stadslucht maakt vrij, maar wat betekent die vrijheid voor de inwoners van 't Stad? Hoe vrijwaren we betaalbare en toegankelijke ruimte voor iedereen?
In het kader van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen organiseren Toneelhuis en ARIA (Universiteit Antwerpen) een debat over de 'stad van iedereen' en de noodzakelijke ruimte, zowel fysiek als mentaal. Dit debat brengt de lijsttrekkers van alle politieke partijen samen, met vertegenwoordigers van culturen (kunsten, sport, religie en sociaal cultureel) die onze stad maken tot wat ze is.