Building on the Cultural Commons

Sensing Earth
Cultural Quests Across a Heated Globe

Between Indifference and Pacifism

Hide To Show
Memefying Live Music, Algorythmizing Social Relationships

Subjective Atlas of Kaunas

The Rise of the Common City
On the culture of commoning

Durable Discussions
essays from the Disarming Design Department

To Touch and Be Touched

Adornment as a social tool

Healing culture, reclaiming commons, fostering care
A proposal for EU cultural policies

Policy Analysis & Policy Recommendations

The Aesthetics of Ambiguity
Understanding and Addressing Monoculture

Art and Education After Covid-19

Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You

Lecture For Every One

Design Dedication
Adaptive mentalities in design education

Commons. Between Dreams and Reality

When Fact is Fiction
Documentary Art in the Post-Truth Era

De vlucht van de nachtegaal
Een filosofisch pleidooi voor de muzikant

Verenigt u!
Arbeid in de 21ste eeuw

Businessmodellen in de culturele sector
Hype, noodzaak of schrikbeeld?

Contemporary Artist Residencies
Reclaiming Time and Space

Kijken, proeven, denken
Essays over kunst, kritiek en filosofie

A New Aesthetics of the Real

The Future of the New
Artistic Innovation in Times of Social Acceleration

The Art of Civil Action
Political Space and Cultural Dissent

Gesamtkunstwerk: de ontwikkeling van een idee

Repressief Liberalisme
Opstellen over Creatieve Arbeid, Politiek en Kunst

Imaginative Bodies
Dialogues in Performance Practices

The Practice of Dramaturgy
Working on Actions in Performance

What’s the Use?
Constellations of Art, History and Knowledge: A Critical Reader

Creating Cultural Capital
Cultural Entrepreneurship in Theory, Pedagogy and Practice

Interrupting the City
Artistic Constitutions of the Public Sphere

Mobile Autonomy
Exercises in Artists' Self-Organization

In-between Dance Cultures
On the Migratory Artistic Identity of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Akram Khan

De grote vlucht inwaarts
Essays over cultuur in een onoverzichtelijke wereld

Spaces for Criticism
Shifts in Contemporary Art Discourses